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    HDP's Kenanoğlu: Turkey should get back to the table instead of creating conflict

    HDP Mp Ali Kenanoğlu stated that Turkey should abandon the policy of creating conflict in the foreign policy and get back to the table assuming a more peaceful policy.

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    Başaran: Our greatest force of self defense is our organization

    HDP Women's Council Spokesperson Ayşe Acar Başaran stated that they will focus on organizing against the attacks on women's gains in the new period, and said, "We will continue to organize reactions against the targeting of the Istanbul Convention."

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    HDP addresses Erdoğan about his 'good news': Stop the war, stop pillaging, stop favoritism!

    HDP Spokesperson Ebru Günay stated that the government ceased to be an addressee of the Kurdish issue and that neither party became the addressee of its solution. Günay said: "We will show the way to the people who want to give us good news; stop the war, stop pillaging, stop favoritism!"

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    Başaran: Increasing abuse and rape is a speacial war tactic

    HDP MP Ayşe Acar Başaran describes the most recent rape cases by Turkish military personnel as a method of special warfare, and the debate on withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention as unacceptable.

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    Buldan: Operation against women is a coup and misogyny

    HDP Co-Chair Pervin Buldan reacted to the detention of TJA activists and journalists, saying, “These operations against women and democratic politics; are unlawful, political, tyranny, a coup and misogyny."

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    Co-Mayor Nazlıer remains imprisoned

    Kocaköy Municipality Co-Mayor Rojda Nazlıer who wasn't released by the court on the 3rd hearing of her case, stated that an anonymous witness who had never seen her identified her from a photo.

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    Günay: Kurdish unity is of vital importance

    Stating that the attacks on Federal Kurdistan Region are a response to the national unity in Rajava, HDP Spokesperson Ebru Günay said, "Here what they target to prevent is the the unity of the Kurdish people. It shows how vital and important it is to achieve the Kurdish union."

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    HDP march in Ankara: Our people's determination, will and hope have grown even more

    HDP Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar making a joint statement, said: "The society, all our people have seen the attitude of HDP, its determined and an uncompromising stance in democratic politics. And like that, the determination, will and hope of our people have grown even more."

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    'Democracy march' in Ankara

    The 'March for democracy against the coup' which was launched by HDP on June 15, started from two different cities in Turkey, Hakkari in the east and Edirne in the west; have reached Ankara despite all prohibitions. The group will make a press release in the Parliament Park and end the march.

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    Önlü: Our march has begun and it will continue

    Responding to the attempts of hindering their march, HDP Co- Vice President Alican Önlü said “Without letting the provocation attempts succeed, we will continue our march”. Önlü has also announced that they will announce the second phase in their schedule of planned events.

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    The entries and the exits of Şırnak are banned!

    In the eve of the march to Ankara that HDP will initiate, the entries and exits from the city of Şırnak are prohibited by the Provincial Sanitary Board of Şırnak targeting the "demos and events planned to take place".

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    Buldan: HDP has become the safe harbor of the people

    HDP Co-Chair Pervin Buldan stated that thatJune 7, 2015 national elections was a turning point in the history of Turkey as she said, "First coup was staged on June 7, but HDP won one more time. HDP has been the safe harbor of the people of Turkey to take shelter".

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    Solidarity from Leyla Khaled with HDP: We shall win together

    Regarding the imprisonment of HDP's Leyla Güven and Musa Farisoğulları, PFLP Politburo member Leyla Khaled shared the message that "We, the Palestinian, suffer the same pain due to the Israel occupation. We shall win together".

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    It is time to act for unity

    Stating that the experiences in the Middle East and around the globe imposes Kurds to unite, HDP Urfa MP Ömer Öcalan told, "What the people demand from us is the unity. This is not something to be achieved by mere discourse, we need solid steps to take".

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    Ahmet Türk reacted to the arrest of 12 women activists

    "Our modesty is not due to that we are afraid, but we have respect for humanity. If they have not understood this till now, I tell them to take a look at the Amed Dungeon back in 80s", said Ahmet Türk, as he reacted to the the arrest of 12 women activists in Diyarbakır.