15:56 actual
Water embargo of Turkey continues for 3 months
15:31 actual
Journalist Aksoy passed away
14:38 economy-labor
IMF: Turkey is vulnerable to shocks
12:51 world
State of Emergency in Beirut: At least 100 dead, 4 thousand wounded
12:32 actual
CPT: Restrictions in Imrali are not acceptable
10:24 actual
HDP's alderman detained following a raid on his home
15:21 actual
ATO: The number of daily cases approached one thousand in Ankara
13:38 actual
5.7 magnitude earthquake in Malatya
13:15 women
Êzidî women sold as slaves on parliamentary agenda
12:43 actual
Irish politician and Nobel Peace Prize winner John Hume dies
12:36 actual
Soldier opens fire in Çaldıran: 1 person lost his life
11:22 actual
Lawyers of Öcalan applied for an interview in İmralı
11:18 economy-labor
July inflation rate announced
10:43 actual
5 prisoners diagnosed with coronavirus in Tarsus Prison
09:33 actual
Only two Kurdish Language graduate appointed as a teacher
16:40 actual
Pektaş on hunger strike for death fasting lawyers detained
16:37 women
7 women committed suicide in 45 days: We are out of patience
16:34 world
ISIS attacks a prison: 20 dead
11:25 actual
HDP Women's Council: We salut the resistance of Yazidi women
19:54 actual
Demo for Timtik and Ünsal in front of the hospital
14:53 actual
72 Bars in solidarity with Hatay Bar President
14:25 actual
Torture under gendermerie custody: I am the law!
12:07 actual
Police detaining citizens in Güçlükonak after blockade has been lifted
10:31 actual
Soldiers beat 3 shepherds to death
16:00 actual
ÇHD: Ünsal and Timtik left for dead
13:22 actual
Court overturns ban on Pride Parade
12:03 actual
Lawyers: Not releasing Timtik and Ünsal is torture
10:19 actual
15 more people died of Coronavirus
09:32 actual
3500 trees will be chopped down in Diyarbakır for structuring
08:37 actual
Timtik and Ünsal hospitalized
15:08 actual
Release request of Timtik and Ünsal denied
14:38 actual
300 people diagnosed with Covid-19 every day
13:20 actual
Application for visit and phonecall to İmralı
13:19 actual
Forensic Medicine Institution report says death-fasting lawyers cannot stay in prison
09:30 actual
Hatay Bar President taken into custody
16:32 actual
False information given by Security Directorate abour Nadira Kadirova
14:47 actual
Urgent call for Ünsal and Timtik from lawyers
12:47 actual
Father with 5 children in prison lost his life
12:25 actual
Import and export data announced
12:01 actual
Mother of hunger striking prisoner: His life is in danger
11:52 actual
Joint call from SDF and International Coalition
11:11 actual
Delegates call an ‘Extraordinary General Meeting’ against Feyzioğlu
10:56 actual
Parliament passes bill on social media in Turkey
10:36 actual
'What happened in Kilyos Cemetery is not independent from Zilan and Dersim Massacres'
09:53 actual
Turkey reports 15 more deaths due to coronavirus
09:53 actual
Peace Mothers: Isolation is the tears of the mothers
09:16 women
Woman claimed to have committed suicide loses her life
14:44 actual
Dersim Konak to remain in prison
14:39 actual
Family killed by cannon shot in Manbij
14:22 actual
Öcalan's attorneys applied for a visit in İmralı