'Freedom March' from Istanbul set out with the slogan 'Bijî Serok Apo'

  • actual
  • 14:02 19 November 2023
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ISTANBUL - Citizens who came together for the "Freedom March" in many parts of Istanbul set out regardless of the bad weather conditions.
Istanbul is another branch of the "Freedom March" launched in Gemlik with the demands of ending the absolute isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has not been heard from in İmralı Type F High Security Prison for 32 months, ensuring his physical freedom and solving the Kurdish issue through democratic means. People's Democratic Congress (HDK), People's Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP), Free Women's Movement (TJA), MED Prisoner and Convict Families Federation of Law and Solidarity Associations (MED TUHAD-FED), Anatolian Assistance and Solidarity Association with Families Who Lost Their Relatives (ANYAKAYDER) ), those who came together in many districts of the city under the leadership of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) and Asrın Law Firm, Kurdish Studies Association and Mesopotamia Cultural Center (MKM) moved towards Gemlik.
Bağcılar was one of the districts where citizens who did not care about rainy weather and strong winds came together. Citizens gathered at different points and set out towards the meeting areas with great enthusiasm. Citizens moved with applause and songs and frequently shouted the slogan "Bijî Serok Apo" ("Long Live Leader Apo"). Expressing their feelings about their march, citizens emphasized that they were determined to reach Gemlik despite the obstacles.
In Silivri, Avcılar and Beylikdüzü districts, citizens moved towards the meeting area with vehicles in the early hours of the morning. The enthusiasm of the citizens making the victory sign attracted attention.
Citizens came together in the HEDEP building in Esenyurt. We set out with vehicles from 5 different regions in Esenyurt district. Here too, the slogan "Bijî Serok Apo" ("Long Live Leader Apo") never stopped.
Those who came together in Bayrampaşa district emphasized that their main demand was Abdullah Öcalan's physical freedom.
Many people also moved from Arnavutköy. Here too, condemning the isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan came to the fore.
A group, including HDK Co-Spokesperson Cengiz Çiçek and HEDEP Istanbul Provincial Co-Chairs Murat Kalmaz and Gonca Yangöz, set out from Tuzla. The group frequently shouted slogans such as "Bijî berxwedana zindanan(Long live the resistance of prison", "Bê Serok jiyan nabe(There is no life without leader Öcalan)", "Lift the isolation inside(prison) and outside", "No to isolation" and "Human dignity will defeat torture".
The police tried to stop the group walking towards the vehicles, shouting and applauding. HDK Co-Spokesperson Cengiz Çiçek said: “Imrali is an area of lawlessness. İmralı isolation area. We are on the streets until the isolation is lifted. Those who usurp justice and law and those who try to take away our right to life should know that as long as you exist, we also exist. Salvation will be for the resisting peoples. The group then moved towards Gemlik with vehicles.

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