Children prosecuted for trustee actions

  • actual
  • 10:35 15 September 2024
  • |

ADANA - A lawsuit was filed against 10 children in Adana for protesting against the will usurpation in Wan. 

A group of young people in Gülbahçe and Barbaros neighborhoods of Adana's Seyhan district held protests on April 2-4 to react to the usurpation of will in Wan. The police intervened the protests and detained E.A. and A.T. after beating them. They were taken to court and released by Adana Criminal Judicature of Peace on judicial control conditions.  
Adana Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, based on a police complaint, online media posts, a “denunciation” e-mail and E.A.'s statements, charged A.Ç., A.C., D.A., E.A., E.G., F.G., İ.B., and M.Ç. with “damaging public property”, “endangering traffic safety”, “participating in unlawful meetings and marches without weapons and not dispersing spontaneously despite a warning”, İ.B. and M.Ç. on the allegations of “damaging public property”, “endangering traffic safety”, “participating in unlawful meetings and marches without weapons and not dispersing despite the warning”, “participating in meetings and marches by carrying weapons and similar devices or making themselves unrecognizable”, “making propaganda for an illegal organization”, “committing a crime on behalf of an illegal organization without being a member of the organization” and “resisting to prevent the execution of duty”. 
As part of the investigation, 8 children were detained in house raids on April 30. After 4 days of detention, they were released on judicial control conditions by Adana Criminal Judgeship of Peace.  
The prosecutor prepared an indictment against 10 children on similar charges. The indictment was accepted by Adana Juvenile Court. The indictment demands at least 20 years in prison for each child. 
It is noteworthy that the indictment shows March 31, 2024 as the “crime date”. The prosecutor argued that the protests were carried out following “calls for action by publications affiliated with the organization”. 
It was alleged that some of the participants covered their faces and chanted “Bijî Serok Apo (Long live Leader Apo)” and “PKK is the people, the people are here”, blocked the main street by burning tires and garbage containers, and threw stones and fireworks at armored vehicles. The indictment also claimed that two armored police vehicles suffered 110 thousand Liras material damage during the incidents. 
The first hearing of the case will be held at Adana Juvenile High Criminal Court on December 4.  
MA / Hamdullah Yağız Kesen