Prisoner starts protest due to his release blockes

  • actual
  • 11:42 2 September 2024
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ŞIRNEX - Prisoner Naif İşçi, whose release was prevented due to his refusal to accept “remorse”, started a protest. 

Naif İşçi, 28, who was arrested after being detained in September 2010 in Cizîr (Cizre) district of Şirnex (Şırnak) province, was sentenced to 24 years in prison on charges of “committing crimes on behalf of an illegal organization without being a member of the organization”, “making propaganda for an illegal organization” and “violating the law on meetings, demonstrations and marches”. The Court of Cassation reduced the sentence to 16 years, taking into account İşçi's age. 
Although İşçi has completed his term of imprisonment, he is not eligible for conditional release. His release is postponed on the grounds that he refused to “go on hunger strike” and “remorse”. 
The Administrative and Observation Board of Ahlat T Type Prison postponed İşçi's release for 3 months with a decision issued on August 1. On August 2, İşçi began a hunger strike against this situation. 
İşçi, who has a platinum in his left foot, wants this injustice to end as soon as possible.  
İşçi's mother Nebahat İşçi said his son’s release prevented 3 times. Pointing out that her son's health problems increased after his imprisonment, mother İşçi said: “My son is on hunger strike to protest this injustice. The last time we talked on the phone, he told me, 'I will continue the hunger strike until this injustice ends. Our children want this persecution to end. My son has put his body on hunger strike against this injustice.” 
Mother İşçi said: “My son is sick from his stomach, intestines, eyes and feet. For 14 years he has a platinum in his leg. The last time I went to see him, I did not see him in good health. My son has become very weak. They say they are resisting to end this persecution. We do not accept this injustice against our children. Our call to all institutions; do not remain silent. Take care of the detainees in prisons. We do not want injustice to be done to our children anymore.”