Yahya K. attacked by village guards, taken intensive care

  • actual
  • 13:41 18 August 2024
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COLEMÊRG - Yahya K., who was severely wounded by village guards who hit his head with a shovel in Gever district, was taken to intensive care. 
In Gever (Yüksekova) district of Colemêrg (Hakkari), village guards named Adil T., Adem T., Muzarffer T. and Cafer T. attacked Yahya K. and Deniz K. from the same village. According to the information received from the villagers; in the incident that took place in Tanê (Kazan) village of Gever district, the village guards grazed their animals in Yahya K.'s field. Upon this, Yahya K. warned the village guards to remove the animals from his field. However, the village guards attacked Yahya K. and his son Deniz K. 
Rangers Adil T., Adem T., Muzarffer T. and Cafer T. attacked the father and son with guns and shovels and Yahya K., who was hit on his head with a shovel, was seriously wounded. Yahya K. was hospitalized and taken to intensive care. Adil T., Adem T., Muzaffer T. and Cafer T. were detained after the incident. The rangers were released after their statements.
Family of K., whom we contacted by phone, confirmed what the villagers said and said that Yahya K. is still being treated and is in life-threatening condition.