Kurdish and hugging forbidden in prison

  • actual
  • 09:58 12 August 2024
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ŞIRNEX - Lawyer Fadıl Tay, who visited Şırnak Type T Closed Prison, shared that prisoners were forbidden from hugging their family members and speaking Kurdish on the phone.

Violations continue in Şırnak Type T Closed Prison. Şirnex (Şırnak) Bar Association Human Rights Commission member lawyer Fadıl Tay, who met with prisoners in prison on August 8, explained the violations. Tay said that the violations increased after the prison director changed and stated that prisoners are forbidden from speaking Kurdish to their families on the phone.
Tay said: "We held a meeting with political and judicial prisoners on August 8. They stated that the attacks and violations increased with the change of the prison director." Tay shared that the prison director told the prisoners, "You will not speak Kurdish to your families on the phone." and this is against the constitution. 
Tay, who reported that pens and documents are also prohibited from being carried during lawyer visits, stated that prisoners are also prohibited from hugging their family members during open visits.
Tay stated that the Bar Association will go to the prison on August 13 and prepare a detailed report, "We will discuss the prisoners' transfers with the prison administration. We will apply to the necessary places. These practices bring the 1990s to mind. In those years, they used to tell prisoners, 'Speak Turkish, speak a lot.' These practices are now a continuation of these policies" he said.