Pasûr people in Hasandin resistance

  • actual
  • 13:19 11 August 2024
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AMED - Residents of the region, who are protesting against the mining project to be implemented in Hasandin Plateau in Pasûr district of Amed, emphasized that they will not allow the project that will destroy their living spaces. 

Reactions against the mining project in Hasandin Plateau in Pasûr (Kulp) district of Amed, which is an important place for many settlements, continue. Residents of the region once again demonstrated their reaction against the mine with a rally they organized yesterday in the plateau. Citizens who attended the rally gave the message that they would not let the mine pass. 
Sera Yüce, one of the citizens who attended the rally, emphasized that they will not allow those who want to poison their lives. Yüce likened the company that wants to realize the mining project to a "poisonous snake". Yüce said: "Only one person wants to poison the source of life of all villagers. His gold will poison my land, the source of life for all animals. Mining will cause us great harm. It will dry our water. It will kill our animals. If the source of life of these animals is destroyed, our source of life will be destroyed. This mine will poison all the surrounding districts and villages. We do not accept this." 
İlham Kaya, who attended the rally from Koçka hamlet of Nêrçik rural neighborhood, said that the mining project would harm them. Kaya, who is a beekeeper, said that soldiers insulted him on the plateau. "They damaged my hives and insulted me. They said, 'Why did you come here, there will be a mine here'" Kaya said. Emphasizing that all life will be damaged if the mining project is realized.
Nedim Emre, who attended the rally from the rural neighborhood of Şîlnas and who works as a shepherd on the plateau, emphasized that the plateau is the source of livelihood for 7 rural neighborhoods and their hamlets. Emre said: "If mining starts here, it means the end of 7 villages. The mine harms beekeeping, water, everything. There are thousands of animals on this plateau. We don't want a mine, we don't want those people here. We will show a great struggle." 
Aydın Altun, who works as a shepherd on the plateau, "We do not want our plateau to be spoiled. If the plateau is spoiled, we will have nothing. If a digger enters here, we will have nothing. Our springs will dry up, our water will be polluted. Our life will end. If our plateau goes, we will go too" he said. 
Sevgi İlgen, who lives in the rural neighborhood of Hêlîn, said: "Companies are trying to take over our plateaus for money. We gathered here because we don't want our plateaus, water sources and villages to be lost. Once they take the plateaus, they will not be satisfied. They will go down to our villages. Because there is nothing they cannot do for money. If necessary, we will build a wall of flesh and we will not let them touch our plateaus. We fight for our honor, they fight for money." 
MA / Rukiye Adıgüzel