Journalist Şaxo: Turkish imposed in occupied territories

  • actual
  • 10:42 7 August 2024
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NEWS CENTER - Journalist Berivan Şaxo said that KDP supports Turkey's "occupation" attacks and added: "Turkey imposes Turkish language and culture in the regions it occupies. This is the continuation of the Eastern Reform Plan." 

Turkey has been carrying out intensive air and ground attacks on various areas of the Federated Kurdistan Region since 2021. The attacks were extended to the Amêdiyê countryside of Dohuk in early July. While the attacks continue, new base areas and checkpoints are being established in cooperation with the KDP. It is stated that Turkey has recently established at least 9 new base areas. More than 100 families had to leave their villages due to these attacks. 
Journalist Berivan Şaxo
Journalist Berivan Şaxo, who follows the developments in the region, pointed out that there are wars to redefine borders between the dominant and regional powers in the Middle East. Pointing out that Kurdistan is at the center of these wars, "We see the naked form of this war in Başûrê Kurdistan (Federated Kurdistan Region). Erdoğan wants to incorporate the places it attacks into Turkey's geography. These attacks are an attack against the status of the Federated Kurdistan Region" she said.
Stating that political parties and organizations were silent in the face of the attacks, "No party and non-governmental organization showed the necessary attitude clearly. Even YNK could not show a serious attitude. It is the KDP that has already given all kinds of support to this occupation plan. KDP has been acting against Kurdish gains for 50 years. Each time it has used Kurdistan's territory for its own personal interests and concerns. The KDP is against the gains of Kurdistan and wants to destroy these gains. It openly supports the Turkish state for the occupation of Başurê Kurdistan. Just as the KDP surrendered Shengal to ISIS and fled, it will surrender Federated Kurdistan to the Turkish state" said Şaxo, emphasizing that the KDP will suffer the greatest damage from what will happen.
Emphasizing that another target of the attacks is the underground riches of the region, Şaxo said: "Turkey has its eyes on the economic resources of the region. It says either it will be mine or it will be mine. It also wants to destroy the vitality in the region by using chemical weapons. They aim to completely evacuate the region in this way. Dozens of villages have been evacuated due to the bombardment so far. Not only Behdînan, Metîna or Bawernê, but the whole region is under threat. If this silence continues in this way, this occupation plan will reach the cities." 
Şaxo said: "Today, the sovereignty of Iraq and the status of Kurdistan are in danger. According to the information we have, Turkey is imposing Turkish language and culture in the occupied territories. This is a continuation of the Eastern Reform Plan. All kinds of policies are being carried out in the region. The people of the region who want to raise their voices against these practices are prevented by the KDP. Therefore, this occupation cannot be prevented."
Pointing out that the goals of the attacks can be frustrated if the people of the region fight together, and she said the only thing stop this occupation is a joint struggle.