Child scribbled Kurdish warnings received 'ideas' from police and lawyer

WAN - A high school student who scribbled Kurdish warnings in Wan and wrote "Turkey is Turkish, will remain Turkish" said he received advice from TEM police and a lawyer.
The warning sign “Pêşî Peya (Pedestrian First)” written on the pedestrian path by the Wan (Van) Metropolitan Municipality was erased by an unidentified person/persons a while ago and the words “Turkey is Turkish, will remain Turkish” were written on it. Journalist Ruşen Takva spoke to the high school student M.A. who was alleged to have written the racist sign. It is reported that the person had spoken to the TEM police and his lawyer before writing the sign.
M.A. said that he had received legal information from a lawyer in Wan before writing the sign and that he had told the police officer he knew in the TEM a few days before the incident about his plan. M.A. claimed that the police officer in question had told him, “Be careful, nothing will happen if you get caught, but the Van Metropolitan Municipality may cause you some trouble.”
M.A., who said that he was interested in nationalist politicians, stated that the police went to their homes after the incident and said the following: “They told me that the police would not cause any trouble and that They told me that they did it just for show, even if I wasn’t going to come to Van, I had to give my statement at a police station they would arrange in Istanbul, and if I was going to come to Van, I could give my statement there. They even said they would help me.”
M.A. shared that the police officers told him, “You have nothing to be afraid of. I understand your nationalist feelings, you did a good job. Your blood is flowing fast, but these things are not things that can be done in the East. We will help you as much as possible.”
M.A., who stated that he also met with a lawyer before making the writings, said that the lawyer told him, “You will receive the maximum penalty for damaging public property. Since it will be taken into account that this spray paint can be washed off, we will present mitigating circumstances. If they still take too long, we will take it to the Constitutional Court and when we present Article 3 of the Constitution there, we will win the case directly.”
M.A. said: "After what the lawyer said, I called an acquaintance who worked at TEM and told him about my plan. He told me that I had to be very careful, that nothing would happen if I was caught, but that the Van Metropolitan Municipality might give me a bit of a headache."
M.A., who described how he met the (Counter Terrorism) TEM police, and said: "I had a teacher who worked at the Study Centers, whose name I do not want to mention. Her husband worked directly at TEM. One day, she took me to the Counter-Terrorism Department and there zhe told her friend about what I could do, my intelligence, etc. She introduced me to someone who was a high-ranking officer at TEM. We got his number, etc., and we meet with him from time to time. So, it happened through the husband of my private tutor."