Ward mates of prisoner who lost his life: Treatment prevented


ŞIRNEX - DEM Party Deputy Zeki İrmez, who met with the ward mates of Yıldırım Han who lost his life, said: "The Ministry of Justice is responsible. If Han had been treated, he would be alive now."

Yıldırım Han, who was being held in Şırnak Type T Closed Prison and was on the list of seriously ill prisoners of the Human Rights Association (IHD), died on June 20 in Ankara after his condition worsened. Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Şirnex deputies Mehmet Zeki İrmez and Nevroz Uysal Aslan met with Han's ward mates in prison on July 2. Irmez spoke about their meeting. 
Stating that Han was left to die despite his severe illnesses, İrmez said: "Han was arrested in Wan (Van-Kurdistan) and put in prison, but was later released due to his illnesses. However, he was arrested again in Şirnex on April 26. Since his treatment was incomplete, his condition is getting worse in prison. Han was arrested despite his medical reports and illnesses, and his treatment is prevented in prison. According to his friends, Han was taken to Şırnak State Hospital a couple of times and was told by doctors that 'there is nothing wrong with you'. But when his condition worsened, he was transferred to Diyarbakır. There, he was brought back to prison without the necessary treatment and died in Ankara, where he was transferred after his condition worsened. His ward mates said that Han died because he was not treated. The Ministry of Justice is responsible for this. If Han had been released and treated, he would be alive now." 
Stating that Han's family filed a criminal complaint against the prison administration, İrmez said that they will follow the issue. Stating that DEM Party's Human Rights Commission also filed a criminal complaint, "We will report the meetings we held in the prison and share them with the public. We have prepared parliamentary questions and will present them in the coming days. We will also hold a meeting with the Ministry of Justice. Everyone should react to prevent further deaths in prisons" İrmez said.  
Irmez stated that prisons are a bleeding wound of the society and said: "Prisons have turned into isolation and rehabilitation centers. Prisoners are not released despite their serious illnesses. The conditions of ill prisoners who are not released on various arbitrary grounds are getting worse day by day. Especially the elderly ill prisoners are in much worse condition. Seriously ill prisoners need to be released to access health care. Previously, ill prisoners Emre Abalak and Divali Güzel died in Şırnak Prison. Divali and Güzel were prisoners who were not released despite their 90 percent disability report."
Stating that the prisoners also conveyed the violations of rights they were subjected to during the meeting, İrmez stated the following: "Special war policies are being carried out especially psychologically. Prisoners are given disciplinary penalties for simple reasons. One of the most common complaints of the prisoners was the infirmary and hospitalization. During the meeting, An ill prisoner said that he was taken to the infirmary and referred to the hospital, but days later he was not taken to the hospital. Many ill prisoners expressed their complaints on this issue. Books are seized during raids on rooms. Kurdish books sent are not given. Food is not eaten because it is bad. It was also stated that letters sent by prisoners to the outside world were confiscated and the fate of the petitions was not reported. There are obstacles during family visits. Prisoners' families are not allowed to contact each other during the meetings." 
MA / Mahmut Altıntaş