3rd group takes over 'Vigil to respect the will'


COLEMÊRG - The third group, which took over the vigil held in Colemêrg with the motto "Respect the Will", gave the following message: "No power can stand against these honorable and justified demands of ours. No power can stop us"

The vigil, which was started on June 25 with the motto "Respect the will" against the appointment of a trustee to the Colemêrg (Hakkari-Kurdistan) Municipality under the management of the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) by the decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on June 3, continues. On the 5th day, elected officials from Wan and surrounding districts took over the night-long vigil in front of the municipal public market. The delegation arriving in the city was welcomed by DEM Party Colemêrg Deputy Onur Düşünmez and DEM Party Colemêrg Provincial Organization managers. After the welcome, the crowd walked towards the market center with a banner saying "We will break the isolation, we will send the trustee" and aprons saying "No access to the trustee". During the march, they frequently shouted slogans such as "Colemêrg warê me, şaredarî karê me (Colemêrg our area, the municipality our business)", "We will win by resisting", "Colemêrg ya me ye, şaredarî ya me ye(Colemêrg is ours, municipality is ours)" and "Berxwedan jiyan e (Resisting is life)".
After the march, a statement was made about the Şêx Seîd commemoration and the death sentence given for PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who was handed over to Turkey with an international conspiracy on February 15, 1999 and held on Imralı Island Prison. DEM Party Provincial Co-chair Kadir Şahin read the press text in Kurdish.
Drawing attention to the history of oppression against the Kurds, Şahin said: “The century-old mentality is trying to create a deep historical destruction in the memory of the Kurdish society. June 29 is a historic day for the Kurds and Kurdistan. 74 years after the execution of Şêx Seîd, Mr. Abdullah Öcalan was sentenced to death on June 29, 1999. Of course, this is not a coincidence! This is a clear message to the Kurdish people's quest for freedom. For this reason, we are still experiencing the effects of the Şêx Said Rebellion process with absolute isolation, torture system in prisons, and policies of destruction and denial against the Kurdish people. Neither collapse plans, nor the Independence Courts, nor the State Security Court (SSC) decisions, nor the heavy penalties of the ruling courts will be able to stop our struggle. You will not be able to end our journey to freedom. Our fight against fascism, attacks, massacres, isolation policies, and the understanding of power of state will continue uninterrupted."
Following the statement, the group that had been protesting in the city for 2 days transferred the action to the new group.
Speaking on behalf of the second group, DEM Party Melezgir (Malazgirt) district co-chair Kemal Özer stated that they are not afraid of trustee, annihilationist and denialist policies and said: “Everyone should know that, as the Kurds, we are not afraid of anyone, we are not hiding and we are here. It is our most natural right to govern ourselves with our own identity, language and culture. No one and no power can stand against our honorable and justified demands. No power can stop us. We are here, we claim our will and we will always be here."
After the speeches, the crowd walked towards the DEM Party Provincial Organization building, chanting "Berxwedan jiyan e".