Justice demand for Yüce, Ay and Baysal

NEWS CENTER - Relatives of the disappeared and IHD members came together in Amed, Elih and Colemêrg and demanded justice for Ramazan Yüce, Aydın Ay and Mehmet Sıddık Baysal. 
The demonstration organized by the Human Rights Association (IHD) and relatives of the disappeared with the claim "Find the disappeared and put the perpetrators on trial" continued this week. 
IHD Amed (Diyarbakır-Kurdistan) Branch's demonstration demanding the disappeared to be found and the perpetrators to be tried continued for the 803rd week. The protest was held in front of the Human Rights Monument in Koşuyolu Park and was attended by many relatives of the disappeared and photographs of the victims of unsolved murders were displayed.
This week's protest featured the story of Ramazan Yüce, who went from Farqîn (Silvan) to Amed on June 29, 1992 to take his high school graduation exam and was murdered from behind by unidentified person(s) on his way back.
In Êlih (Batman-Kurdistan), IHD and relatives of the disappeared gathered in front of the Human Rights Monument on Gülistan Street for the 639th week of their protest. Relatives of the disappeared, human rights defenders, members of the Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) Êlih branch, DEM Party and DBP Êlih provincial organization executives participated in the demonstration where the banner "Let the disappeared be found, let the perpetrators be tried" was unfurled.
Speaking at the demonstration, Sinan Islam Gegin, Director of IHD Êlih Branch, stated that they will continue to ask for the fate of the disappeared until they get results and called for justice. 
Gegin then asked about the fate of 27-year-old Aydın Ay, who was abducted on July 10, 1993 in Êlih's 19 Mayıs neighborhood and was never heard from again. 
After reading the story of Aydın, the statement ended with a sit-in protest.  
IHD Colemêrg (Hakkari-Kurdistan) Branch and relatives of the disappeared gathered at Sanat Street in Gever (Yüksekova) district of Colemêrg. The protest was attended by relatives of the disappeared, Peace Mothers, DEM Party District Organization executives and many people. During the demonstration, banners reading "Let the disappeared be found, let the perpetrators be tried" and "The perpetrators are known, where are the disappeared?" and photographs of those who were murdered and disappeared in an unsolved manner were carried. In the 129th week of the action, the fate of Mehmet Sıddık Baysal, who was murdered on June 7, 1994, was asked. IHD Colemêrg Branch Secretary Pınar Şen Zengin read the statement this week.
The statement ended with a sit-in protest.