The voice of his people: Journalist Mazlum Erenci

AMED - Today is the 13th anniversary of Mazlum Erenci, who started journalism as a child to be the voice of his people. 
Mazlum Erenci, a journalist in the history of the struggle of the free press tradition, was born in Amed in 1992. Erenci, who started delivering newspapers when he was still in middle school, was threatened many times during that period. Erenci, who did not give up doing what he loved and fighting despite all kinds of pressure, was detained and arrested on July 14, 2009 for allegedly protesting the forced shaving of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan's hair. 
Erenci was tried at Diyarbakır 6th High Criminal Court and sentenced to 7 years, 5 months and 20 days in total on charges of "being a member of a terrorist organization", "making propaganda for a terrorist organization" and "violating Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations".
Erenci was placed in Diyarbakır Type E Closed Prison and after 9 months and 15 days of imprisonment, his case was sent to the Court of Cassation. Following the amendment of the Anti-Terror Law (TMK), Erenci was referred to the Diyarbakır Juvenile Court and was released on 22 April 2010 with the decision of the Diyarbakır Juvenile Court. After his release from prison, Erenci worked for the Dicle News Agency (DİHA) for a short time before joining the PKK. Shortly after joining the PKK, Erenci was killed in an armed clash in the countryside of Çemîşgezek district of Dêrsim province on June 29, 2011.