Welcomed in Amed after 30 years of captivity


AMED - 30-year prisoner Mehmet Tarık Dağtaş, who was released from Bodrum Type S Closed Prison, was welcomed with flowers in his hometown Amed. 

Mehmet Tarık Dağtaş (52), a 30-year prisoner who was held in Muğla Bodrum Type S Closed Prison and was released yesterday, came to his hometown Amed. He was welcomed with flowers by his family and members of the Assistance Association with Detainee Families (TUAY-DER) at Diyarbakır Airport. Making a short statement, Dağtaş pointed out that the prisoners in prison were struggling against isolation and, “Our friends had many greetings for our people. "They said their resistance would continue and they asked our people to strengthen the resistance" he said.
The relatives who welcomed Dağtaş went to their homes in Peyas (Kayapınar) accompanied by a convoy. 
Dağtaş, who was detained in 1993, was sentenced to life imprisonment after being tried in the State Security Court (DGM). Dağtaş, who was held in Amed, Dîlok, Mereş, Ceyhan, Ordu and Bolu prisons respectively, was released from Bodrum Type S Closed Prison.