No release for ill prisoners who do not obey!


ISTANBUL - Stating that the government's discrimination in the release of ill prisoners is against the principle of equality, Hatice Onaran from IHD said: "The government responds to everyone who does not swear allegiance with enemy law."

Rights violations against ill prisoners in prisons continue to increase day by day. According to the report prepared by the Human Rights Association (IHD) on prisons, there are a total of 1,517 ill prisoners in prisons, 651 of whom are seriously ill. Cemil Erdem (74), Ferzende Elbi (73), Hanife Arslan (76), Hatice Yıldız (75), Sıddık Güler (84), Civan Boltan (33) and Makbule Özer (83) are just a few of these prisoners.
The release of ill prisoners is prevented by citing reports provided by the Forensic Medicine Institute (ATK). While the situation of prisoners whose release was prevented by ATK reports is getting worse, new deaths in prisons are being added every day. According to IHD data, 78 prisoners died in prison in 2022 and at least 42 in 2023. Reber Soydan, who was held in Van Type F High Security Prison, died under suspicious circumstances on May 11.
The government ignored the protests and calls for the release of politically ill prisoners. The government annulled the remaining prison sentences of Fevzi Türkeri, Yıldırım Türker, Aydan Erol, Cevat Temel Özkaynak, Erol Özkasnak, Çetin Doğan and Çevik Bir, who were sentenced to life imprisonment for "attempted coup" in the February 28 case. Following the decision of AKP Chair and President Tayyip Erdoğan, the prisoner people were released.
(IHD Prisons Commission spokesperson Hatice Onaran)
Hatice Onaran, spokesperson of the IHD Prisons Commission, evaluated the government's approach towards ill prisoners in prisons. Onaran stated that there are hundreds of ill prisoners in prisons and that many of these prisoners are in a situation where they cannot even meet their personal needs. Onaran said that the decision to release the soldiers arrested in the February 28 case is an example of "double standards" towards ill prisoners. Onaran said: "For many years, we have been carrying out the Sit-in protest and drawing attention to the situation of a different seriously ill prisoner every week. However, we know that double standards are applied to prisoners in prisons. If there is a law, everyone must be treated equally. But we see that the government responds to everyone who does not think like them and does not obey them with enemy law." 
Pointing out that in the current situation, prisoners in prisons are facing 'enemy law' today, Onaran pointed to the "softening" and "normalization" discussions that the government has recently brought to the agenda. Emphasizing that "detente" has no implications for prisons, "Detente does not address the isolation policy on prisons. On the contrary, we witness that it is progressing more tightly. When we look at Turkey's current policies towards prisons, we see that there is no flexibility or softening" Onaran said.
Calling for awareness on families and non-governmental organizations to end the rights violations in prisons, Onaran continued as follows: “We can change the current system with the joint struggle of all segments and non-governmental organizations. Unless we can demonstrate this common struggle and stand firm, we will not achieve any gains. It is necessary for all sensitive groups, including families, to fight these isolation policies."