35 transport from prisons in Riha in 45 days

RIHA - 35 political prisoners from Urfa Type T Prisons No. 1 and 2 were transported to different prisons in the last 45 days.
35 political prisoners held in Urfa Type T prisons No. 1 and 2 were transported to different prisons in the last 45 days. No reason was given for the transfers, which were made even though the prisoners did not request it. Transports, which become routine every week, are carried out without informing the families.
Among the prisoners, most of whom were transport to Erzincan High Security Prison, were Abdulmecit Yüksekbağ, a 30-year prisoner whose execution was postponed by the Administration and Observation Board, Baran Karak and Serkan Bali, who were arrested after being detained during home raids in Pirsûs (Suruç) district on March 9, are also present.
The names of the prisoners transported from Urfa No. 1 Type T Prison in the last 45 days and the prison to which they were transported are as follows: “Lokman Ayebe-Batman, Mustafa Müslüm (North and East Syrian), İsmail Taşar-Erzincan, Ali Ulutaş-Antalya, İdris Duruk-Tarsus, Mehmet Duvar-Antalya, Mahmut Öngör-Antalya, Hüseyin Doymaz-Erzurum, Abdulmecit Yüksekbağ-Erzurum, Celal Ercan-Adana, Lokman Ayebe-Aksaray, Zekeriya Al Muahmmad (North and East Syrian)-Erzincan, İbrahim Kurt-Erzurum, Mahmut Tutal-Erzincan, Keleş Celal (North and East Syrian)-Erzincan, Muhammed El İsa-Samsun, Selami Çiftçi-Konya Ereğli, Fadıl Tokay-Erzurum, Cihat Osman (North and East Syrian)-Erzurum, Cafer Cengiz, Hüseyin Arslan, M. Emin Korkmaz, Emin Çetintaş, Abdulselam Demir-Erzincan, Kenan Doğan-Erzincan, Cuma İbrahim-Erzincan, Halil İbrahim-Erzincan, Baran Karak-Erzincan and Serkan Bali-Erzincan.” 
The names of the prisoners transported from Urfa Prison No. 2 and the prisons to which they were transferred are as follows: “Mehmet Akif Karadaş-Erzincan, Emin Güler-Elazığ, Muhlis Albay-Erzincan, Doze Salih Temo (North and East Syrian)-Erzincan, Sıtkı Kurtoğlu-Elazığ, Hüseyin Muhammed (North and East Syrian)-Erzincan.”