Enthusiasm of ‘Good News’ echoed in Amed Newroz

  • actual
  • 12:00 22 March 2024
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AMED - The people who filled the Newroz area in Amed, regardless of rain or mud, joined the rhythm of the song with the enthusiasm of the "good news" they received: "Resist, Diyarbekir, resist. Trust in the love of your mountains.”
The weather forecast had been checked for days, the precipitation rates and time intervals for the rain that would fall that day were calculated. There were discussions about whether there would be any problems with the mass flow at any time.
They proceeded towards the Newroz area without paying attention to the contamination of their local clothes. Despite the prohibitions, they proceeded through the search points turned into tunnels and rushed into the area.
I walked to the area demanding freedom and free spaces for the imprisoned women in Sincan Prison, where I was released 20 days ago. Mukaddes, Zelal, Nilüfer, Dilan, Devrim, Rozerin, Rihan, Zeynep…
Every slogan in the area greeted the campaign "Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, democratic solution to the Kurdish issue", and all those in the area shouted "Bijî Serok Apo (Long live Leader Apo)", "Bijî Berxwedana Zindanan (Long live resistance of the dungeons)".
While the crowd was making the walls and dungeons meaningless and burning with the fire of freedom, the state's intention was to separate the stage from the crowd and to imprison the crowd with wire fences, which started days ago and went beyond the last 3 years. The 'security', which saw the wires fixed with iron sticks in the past years being demolished with the determination of the young people, this time raised the bar even higher, erected the electric poles on the streets around the stage and fixed the wire fences with it.
The most enthusiastic halays are the women halays, with their mud-soaked clothes and handkerchiefs in their hands. People, who have been celebrating Newroz since the 1990s around a small fire, even in muddy areas or on street corners, once again throw their clothes on firewood that cannot catch fire because it is wet with rainwater, and they become fire, making the flames bigger.
In Amed, in Mesopotamia, humanity has marched and is marching on Newroz, which is seen as the day when resistance grows with the awakening of nature. Amed Newroz is like the last flower of the Kurdistan spring, it is the last area where the message of resistance resonates. The Newroz scene in Amed has now become Kemal Kurkut. Kemal, who resisted with his naked body and shouted his longing, has now become the Amed Newroz area. For this reason, everyone in Amed entered the area once again, greeting him.
Although artists such as Emel Mathlouthi and Mikail Aslan took the stage, the people mostly kept rhythm with the tempo of the drum and danced the halay dance. They only listened to the song "Resist ha Diyarbekir resist". They accompanied the song with the enthusiasm of the "Newroz Good News" and they received: "Resist, Diyarbekir, resist. Trust in the love of your mountains..."
This love and good news they have heard has been gathering people to the area for 50 years. For this very reason, the words Cengiz Cicek said while reading PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan's Newroz message from the stage were echoed as a slogan by the crowd and enlarged with applause.
Millions of people said the same thing in Amed that they have been saying in many cities for days: “It is time for Abdullah Ocalan. It is time for freedom for Abdullah Ocalan." 
MA / Dicle Müftüoğlu