Youngs fill Newroz area

  • actual
  • 12:26 21 March 2024
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AMED - The area where Amed Newroz will be celebrated started to fill up hours before the start of the program. The crowd, mostly young people, danced and chanted "Bijî Serok Apo" slogans.

This year, the final of the Newroz celebrations, held with the motto "Rabe dema azadî û serkeftinê ye (Rise up, it's time for freedom and success)", is held in Amed. Newroz enthusiasm surrounded the city in the early hours of the morning. Tens of thousands of people began to fill to the area from many parts of the country.
Banners "Zimanê me rûmeta me ye (Our language is our honor)" and "Ciwan temînata azadiyê ne (Youth are the guarantee of freedom)" were hung by the Newroz Organizing Committee.
Giant posters of Kemal Kurkut, who was murdered by a police bullet during Newroz 2017, Deniz Poyraz, who was murdered in Izmir, and Jîna Emînî, who was murdered in Iran, were hung in the Newroz area. Again, many banners reflecting the demands of young people and women were included. 
Many guests from home and abroad were invited to Amed Newroz. Roboskî families, Suruç families, families of those who lost their lives during the curfews declared between 2015-2016, Mazlum Doğan's family, Deniz Poyraz's family, relatives of Kurd politicians and journalists who were murdered by unsolved murders took their place in the protocol. Again, dozens of representatives of civil society and human rights organizations from Kurdistan and Turkey were among the guests.
Mothers who were at the Justice Watch for the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the solution of the Kurdish issue also took their place at Newroz. Mothers at the Justice Watch entered the area with the slogan "Newroz be pîroz (Happy Newroz)".
While the guests began to take their places in the protocol, entrance to the area started around 09.30. Tens of thousands of people started to fill to the area decorated with DEM Party flags from 6 different points. Citizens, who started to fill the area regardless of the rainy weather, danced to the accompaniment of drums and pipes and songs played from the stage.
While the reaction to the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan came to the fore in the area, slogans such as "Bijî Serok Apo Long live Leader Apo)" and "Bijî berxwedana zindanan (Long live resistance of dungeons)" were frequently raised. Additionally, demands are being made for the freedom of PKK Leader Ocalan.
The density of young people in this year's celebrations draws attention. Young people carrying DEM Party flags increase the enthusiasm in the field with the resistance songs they sing.
Another noteworthy point in the Newroz area was that many citizens attended the celebrations in local costumes.
DEM Party Semsur Provincial Organization entered the area with photographs of Kemal Kurkut. The surrounding markets also accompanied the enthusiasm of those who filled to the area with Newroz songs.