Prisoner Hesas: Torture is being carried out in Kavak Type S Prison


SAMSUN - Prisoner Vedat Hesas, who is on hunger strike in Kavak Type S Closed Prison, stated that he was subjected to strip search and torture by the guards under the pretext of a search and called for awareness.

The hunger strike launched by political prisoners demanding the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan, who is held in isolation in Imralı Type F High Security Closed Prison and solution of the Kurdish issue continues on its 100th day. Prisoners who continue their hunger strike are subjected to beatings and torture by the prison administration. Prisoner Vedat Hesas, who is in Samsun Kavak Type S High Security Closed Prison, said in a telephone conversation with his family that they were tortured in the prison. Vedat Hesas, who continues his hunger strike, stated in a telephone conversation with his family this morning that the guards beat them and they did not know whether the letters they wrote to the Execution Judgeship and the Prosecutor's Office to object to what happened had been received.
Hesas said the following in his phone conversation with his family: “Our friends were attacked because they did not stand up during the census. They torture us by attacking us. When they came to search us, they forced us to strip search our friends. Because they did not accept this, they were attacked. They do not arbitrarily give our friends on hunger strike the juice, or television that they bought with their own money. There are arbitrary practices here.”
Hesas added that they were not informed about whether the petitions they wrote to the Execution Judgeship and the Prosecutor's Office were received or not, and continued: "If the petition is received, they repeat what was done. They are attacking us like a mafia or a gang. Our friends who were sent here from elsewhere said, 'These are your better days. You will see what else we will do to you'. We want our voice to be heard everywhere. Human rights associations, non-governmental organizations, political parties and members of parliament must send a delegation to the prison regarding what happened."
Nihat Bor, one of the prisoners staying in the same prison, stated the following about the violations: "There is torture, oppression and ill-treatment. Especially the prison where we are held has turned into a centre of torture and ill-treatment. The main reason for all this pressure is the hunger strike that started. All deputies are in prison. We call on people not to remain silent about the oppression."