'Mother Language' seminar from Amed Kurdish Institute

  • actual
  • 16:53 19 February 2024
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AMED - The linguist, writer and translator, who attended the seminar organized by Amed Kurdish Institute, drew attention to the importance of the mother language and asked for it to be embraced.
Enstîtuya Kurdî ya Amedê (Amed Kurdish Institute) organized a seminar at the Education and Science Workers' Union (Eğitim-Sen) Amed Branch No. 1 on the occasion of February 21, World Mother Language Day. Banner was hung saying, "Roja ziwanê dayîke ye dinya pîroz bo (Happy World Mother Language Day)", "Her wext bi ziwane dayîke (Always Mother Language)" was hung. Gülçin Şanlı moderated the seminar. In the seminar, researcher-linguist Mehemed Malmîsanij talked about "Kurdish Etymology", writer-translator Saime Xakpur talked about "The situation of language and literature in Bakur and Rojhilat" and writer and publisher Deniz Gündüz talked about "Standardization in a language". Many people, and mayoral candidates of the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) attended at the seminar. 
Mehemed Malmîsanij, who spoke first at the seminar, touched upon the pressure and attacks on languages and said that the Kirmançkî dialect of Kurdish was facing the threat of extinction because it was spoken less. Malmîsanij stated that there is a Turkish Language Association in Turkish, but there is no such institution for Kurdish and that the Kurmancî dialect of Kurdish is gradually shifting to Turkish.
Speaking later, writer-translator Saime Xakpur talked about Kurdish language and literature in Rojhilat and gave the presentation she prepared on the development of the Kurdish language in the last 20 years. Writer and publisher Deniz Gündüz explained the process of standardizing a language by giving examples of other languages in the world. Drawing attention to the method applied in Kurdish and the process by which it was carried out, Gündüz evaluated the obstacles to Kurdish from both political and social perspectives. Pointing out the danger that the Kirmançkî dialect faces, Gündüz explained the reasons why the language must be protected and shared solution suggestions.