Sit-in activists: We will definitely succeed

  • actual
  • 13:48 7 December 2023
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AMED - Drawing attention to the importance of social ownership, those who attended the sit-in in Amed said: "We will definitely succeed."
The rotating hunger strike action launched in prisons to end the "absolute isolation" and ensure the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is held in İmralı Type F High Security Prison and has not been heard from for 33 months, has entered its 11th day. In order to show solidarity with the prisoners in action, Amed Branch of the Association for Assistance with Prisoners' Families (TUAY-DER) started a sit-in on December 4 with the motto "We should break the isolation for justice and we should speak out in prisons for social peace. As part of the action, a 3-day sit-in is being held at the Rezan District Organization building of the People's Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP).
Those who attended and visited the protest spoke about the importance of the sit-in and their reasons for attending.
Şaide Hayme, who attended the sit-in and whose two children are detained in prison, said: "My son Mehmet Hayme, who is detained in Bolu Type F Closed Prison, is also on hunger strike. Our only demand is for the isolation to be lifted. Lawyers must go to İmralı before the health situation of our children worsens. Our action will continue as long as hunger strikes continue in prison."
Remziye Donak, who visited the sit-in, stated that they were taking action for peace and justice and said: “We do not want war. Our people must stand up to lift the isolation." .
Yaşar Saykan, who visited the sit-in, said: "We wanted an honorable peace. For this, the state must take steps and the isolation must be lifted. This action is important for everyone. Peace will not come until the isolation is lifted. Lifting the isolation also means the coming of peace."
MA / Mehmet Güleş