Lawyer whose arm was broken by the police told spoke

  • actual
  • 11:23 4 December 2023
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AMED - Lawyer Hakim Marol, who was attacked by the police in Amed and whose left arm was broken in 3 places, stated that he filed a complaint and an investigation was launched.
Hakim Marol, one of the lawyers of Amed Bar Association, was attacked by the police on Gazi Street in Sur district on December 1, and his left arm was broken in 3 places. Marol, who was treated and operated on in a private hospital, is still being held under observation. Marol explained what happened on the day of the incident.
Stating that he was looking for a place to park his car in Dörtyol in Sur at around 17:00 in the evening, Marol asked the traffic police about an empty place he found and asked, "Is it available for parking?" He stated that he parked his car after asking. Stating that the police officer, who had his hand in his pocket after parking, said, "You go, your punishment will come after you," Marol said that he then said, "Are you kidding me? I asked you, 'Can I park here?' You did not answer," and the incident started.
Marol said, "Then the police said that I crushed his pontoons and I damaged state property by crushing the pontoons. The pontoons are intact, there is no damage, this is an arbitrary practice. I said to the police that he is there to serve, he is oppressing and unfair to people and  doing arbitrary action and not giving punishment, so he has no right. In response to my reaction, the traffic police responded that he gave such fines to 100 people a day, no one could object, and neither could me. I said that I was a lawyer, I would object, I knew my rights and that he was abusing the authority given by the state, so he was making people suffer and he could not be unfair."
Stating that two police officers in official uniforms then attacked him, Marol said: "The number of plainclothes police officers around and the number of police officers using violence against me suddenly increased to 7-8. One of them held my right hand. The other one held my hand and turned it 3 times and broke it. The attack continued after they broke my arm. In this chaos, someone pulled me out from among the police. The plainclothes police officer who came to me said that they would take me to the police station. I said to them I could not go to the police station in this state, so they should take me to the hospital first. I called my lawyer friends from the bar association and came to the hospital. The films showed that my arm was broken in 3 places. I had surgery on Saturday. The platinum was installed."
Stating that they filed a criminal complaint after receiving a report and emphasized that they will follow up the incident. Marol said: "We know that an investigation has been opened. I will intervene in the file after I come to my senses."
Stating that the pro-government media tried to make him look like a criminal, Marol condemned: "The so-called police officers did not break my hand, they saved me from the attacks. They make fake news like this."
MA / Müjdat Can