Women started November 25 with slogans

  • actual
  • 16:56 17 November 2023
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MÊRDÎN - Women who started the 25 November International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women in Qoser with slogans emphasized that they would lift the absolute isolation and build a life of women's liberation.
Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA) started its activities for the 25 November International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women in the Qoser (Kızıltepe) district of Mêrdîn. The police blockaded the women and did not allow the march, which was planned to be held within the scope of the program held in Freedom Square, with the participation of women from the cities of the region and People's Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP) Mêrdîn MP Saliha Aydeniz. Thereupon, the women demanded that the police blockade be lifted, holding photographs of the murdered women and chanting the slogans "Jin jiyan azadî", "Bijî berxwedana jin a". After the discussion, women made a statement in the square.
TJA activist Jiyan Öner, who made the statement on behalf of women, stated that they welcomed November 25, the Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, with the slogan "Jin jiyan azadi" and said: "All women will raise the organized struggle of labor for the liberation of women's labor together. The government, which wants to prevent the women's struggle that organizes the objection to violence, femicide policies and the male-dominated system at global, regional and local levels, has deepened the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan. The problems of the society have also grown and a multiple crisis situation has emerged. The isolation is related to the women's freedom paradigm developed by Öcalan. The solution to the Kurdish issue and the chaos in Turkey is Öcalan. We continue our determination to lift the absolute isolation and build a women's libertarian life."
Stating that women are on the field with their slogans, chants and colors against the male-dominated and sexist policies of the government, Öner said: “Let's carry out our struggle and organization together as women to transform the 21st century into the age of women's revolution. This responsibility turned a hair into rebellion in the person of Jîna in Rojhilat. This was the legacy left by Nagihan in Başur. The resistance of Evin and Sara in Paris became the hope built by women in Rojava. On this basis, 'jin jiyan azadi' unites our struggle with women all over the world. We call on all women to meet in the struggle in the fields on November 25, to expand social freedom under the leadership of women."
Speaking afterwards, MP Saliha Aydeniz drew attention that the women of the world paid a small price for today to be a day of struggle and said:  “We have carried this legacy, this struggle against the militarist, sexist mentality of the male-state from that day until today. That's why we will continue to be on the streets. The most common violence in Kurdistan is uniformed violence. They want to spread this in Kurdistan. Kurdish people and Kurdish women will continue to fight against uniform violence against all these policies. Violence against women is committed by the state. We will be on the streets against this with the slogan 'jin jiyan azadi'. Isolation continues. Our struggle will primarily be aimed at ending the isolation. You cannot break women's power, you cannot prevent women's freedom with any of your institutions. We will not give up our struggle until we achieve the alliance of women and society,"