Rakel Dink: They sent us back to the heaviest days of mourning

  • actual
  • 16:37 17 November 2023
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ISTANBUL - Stating that they experienced injustice once again with the release of Ogün Samast, Rakel Dink said: “We know that those who ordered Dink's death are walking among us. We have said since day one that darkness must be questioned."
Hrant Dink Foundation organized an international conference called "Minority Rights Conference on the 100th Anniversary of the Republic" at the Havak Hall of the Anarad Hığutyun Building in Şişli, Istanbul. In the two-day conference, two agendas will be discussed under the titles "Conceptual Framework and Protection of Minorities" and "Minorities in Lausanne and After".
On the first day of the conference, the opening speech was made by Rakel Dink, wife of Agos Editor-in-Chief Hrant Dink, who was murdered on January 19, 2007. Speaking about the release of Hrant Dink's murderer Ogün Samast, Dink said: "Once again, they threw injustice in our faces and sent us back to the heaviest days of mourning."
Stating that they have been breathing the same air with the murderers for years, Dink said: "We already know that those who ordered Dink's death are walking among us. We know that we are breathing the same air as the murderers of Sabahattin Ali, İlhan Erdost, Zeki Tekiner, Uğur Mumcu and Musa Anter. The issue is never about whether this or that person gets 3-5 years more or less sentence. We have said that the darkness should be questioned since the first day. We said that this case is indispensable for justice to be served and the democratization of the country. We cannot pretend that the Supreme Court has made nonsense for the first time. We cannot pretend that it is not the same Supreme Court that broke Dink's pen."