Tahmaz: A strong peace must be created for lasting peace

  • actual
  • 11:34 30 October 2023
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İZMİR - Pointing out that the war between Palestine and Israel is the 3rd World War,  Peace Foundation President Hakan Tahmaz said: "A new order is being established in the world. A strong peace must arise in the world for lasting peace."

While Israel's attacks on Gaza continue on the 24th day, according to the latest statements, 7 thousand 326 people lost their lives. This figure approaches 10 thousand, including those who lost their lives in attacks against Israel. The destruction caused by war is growing more and more each day. Evaluating the attacks, Peace Foundation President Hakan Tahmaz drew attention that international forces have not brought a solution to the problem in question for 56 years.
Underlining that the Palestinian people have the right to self-determination Tahmaz said: "The Palestinian people oppose Israel's occupation. Israel expects consent to the status quo it has determined. The apostles of democracy in Ukraine are doing the exact opposite in Palestine. Hamas is cited as the reason. What do those who use Hamas as a justification say about Israel's actions so far? For the first time, the entire western state, their leaders declared their support for the Israeli president." 
Stating that when the Israeli-Palestinian war, the attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria and the war in Ukraine are evaluated together, Tahmaz said: "The '3rd World War' is being waged and the world is being redesigned. Imperialist powers have entered a regressive direction in the human rights declarations and agreements adopted after the 1st and 2nd World Wars, when the world experienced two major devastations. If polarizations such as Turkish, Kurdish, Sunni, Shiite, Alevi deepen, social decay and Conflict will become widespread. This will become more widespread both in Turkey and in the region. Today, people in the neighborhood have problems with their neighbors because there has been a reversal in the value given to people for being human. There is not open violence, but cultural conflict. The approach to the Palestine issue has shown the magnitude of the danger."
Stating that every power in the world takes its own position, Tahmaz said: "Iran has not yet stepped into the field on the Palestine issue and Russia is waiting for this. One of the decisive powers in the region is Hamas and the other is Hezbollah. Everyone prioritizes their own position. On the Palestine issue, Türkiye is harsh on Israel and America. On the other hand, it is giving way to steps that will strengthen its own position with western alliances."
Emphasizing that it is necessary to unconditionally demand an end to violence in order to end conflicts and wars and to achieve peace, Tahmaz said: "We are in danger of our future being mortgaged. Peace can only be achieved through the rules of universal law. These rights were not granted by imperialist powers, these rights were created as a result of the struggle of people. We must expose the violation of the law of war. We need to create a strong wind throughout the world for permanent peace." 
MA / Delal Akyüz