Erdoğan: Hamas is not a terrorist organization

  • actual
  • 16:41 25 October 2023
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NEWS CENTER - AKP's President Erdoğan, who said that Hamas is "not a terrorist organization, but a liberation and mujahideen group that struggles to protect its lands and citizens," announced that he canceled his plan to go to Israel.
AKP Chairperson and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a statement at his party's group meeting.
Erdogan gave the message that he will continue his military operations against Northern and Eastern Syria and Iraq. Targeting the opposition who said "no" to the bill, Erdoğan said: "We believe that those who protect the members and supporters of the terrorist organization will one day see the truth. It will be late when the snake they feed on their sheep bites them. We will not give up on fulfilling our own dignity. We will continue to destroy the terror corridor that is wanted to be established on our borders. Remember, we will not change our sincere attitude towards the oppressed and victimized, and we will not change this honorable stance for daily interests."
Claiming that their principled stance towards the Palestinian people is the most concrete example of this, Erdoğan said that they will continue to support the Palestinian cause and blamed Israel.
Erdoğan said: “We have no problem with the state of Israel. We have never approved the attitude of the State of Israel to act like an organization. Israel has been carrying out one of the most brutal attacks in history against innocent people in Gaza since October 7. Almost half of the dead are children, the remaining half are mothers and their elders. You cannot find another state or army in the world that bombs cities day and night, sets hospitals and marketplaces on fire, and continues this inhumane act just to kill children."
Erdoğan, who blamed Israel, embraced Hamas with the following words: “I am calling out to the world from here; They came together again in their last meeting, the entire West sees Hamas as a terrorist organization. Israel can become an organization. This West owes Israel a lot. But Turkey does not owe Israel anything. And Hamas is not a terrorist organization, but a group of liberation and mujahideen fighting to protect their lands and citizens.``
Stating the perpetrators behind the massacre and destruction in Gaza are those who provide unlimited support to Israel and blaming the USA and European countries without mentioning any names, Erdoğan said: " I called for a ceasefire between the parties.  Israel's attacks against Gaza and other regions must be stopped. Negotiations must begin regarding the release of hostages. They put the children in cages. Can such a mind exist? A corridor should be created to meet the urgent needs in Gaza. We have made our hospitals available for the treatment of all these injured people, and we continue to do so. The Refah Border Gate should always be kept open for humanitarian aid. The rapid establishment of temporary shelters and field hospitals should not be prevented. The settlement terrorism that has been going on for years in the region, especially in Ramallah, must end. Unless the murderers are called murderers, there will be no peace in the region. Extra-regional forces should stop adding fuel to the fire. If we want to establish a world where peace prevails, the Crusader-Crescent understanding must be put aside. "Otherwise, it would be harmful to humanity."
Stating that they expect the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to at least demonstrate an activity worthy of its mission this time, Erdoğan said: “We are ready to be one of the guarantors of the Palestinian side. We invite countries to consider our offer. An independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital must be established. First of all, it was necessary for the Palestinian people to act as a unit. The Arab world must provide the necessary material and moral support. The International Israel-Palestine Conference should be held. The United Nations, and especially the Security Council, must rapidly reform itself."
Erdoğan also shared the information that they will hold a rally in support of Palestine.