Uca: Turkey aims to revive ISIS

  • actual
  • 10:42 18 October 2023
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ISTANBUL - Kurdish politician Feleknas Uca said that Turkey aims to revive ISIS with attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria.
Turkey's attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria, where civilians as well as infrastructure, service institutions and strategic centers have been targeted, have been continuing since October 4. Since the attacks began, more than 30 civilians have lost their lives and many people have been injured. Condemnations continue to come against Turkey's attacks on the region.
Feleknas Uca, former MP of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), evaluated why Northern and Eastern Syria were targeted and the silence against these attacks.
Reminding that hours after the action against the Ministry of Internal Affairs on October 1, the Autonomous Region was targeted by the authorized mouths of the government and a justification or excuse was created for the attack, Uca said that following these statements, attacks were launched against schools, hospitals, mosques and energy facilities in the region. and drew attention that dozens of people, including women and children, lost their lives in these attacks.
Uca added that Minister of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan's words: "All infrastructure, superstructure facilities and energy facilities belonging to PKK/YPG in Iraq and Syria are our legitimate target from now on," were an admission that a war crime would be committed against the region.
Stating that threats and attacks against the region are not the first, Uca said Hakan Fidan's words regarding Northern and Eastern Syria when he was the head of MİT: "If it is necessary, I will send four men to Syria. I will have Turkey fire 8 missiles and start a war."
Reminding that Turkey targeted the Autonomous Region after the bomb attack on Istiklal Street on November 13, 2022, Uca said: "All these attacks aimed to eliminate Kurdish gains. Turkey had previously planned to launch a ground operation in the region to eliminate Kurdish gains. But the coalition forces in the region did not allow this. They had such a plan after the Taksim attack, but now they allowed Turkey's air strikes because air strikes in the region are in the hands of coalition forces, the USA and Russia. If these forces did not allow it, Türkiye could not carry out these attacks. A new concept for Rojava came into effect with these attacks. There have been airstrikes every day for the last two weeks. The silence of the world public opinion against all these attacks means that they allow this. If there is silence today, it is because those who died were Kurds."
Uca also stated that Turkey aimed to revive ISIS with these attacks.
Stating that global powers remained silent against the attacks because they wanted a weak, weak-willed and passive Kurdish structure in the region, Uca said: "The target is to weaken the organized force defending the 3rd way in the region."
Stating that they do not accept and condemn both the civilian deaths in Israel's attack on Palestine and Turkey's attack on Northern and Eastern Syria, Uca said: "Those who carried out these attacks had the same mentality. The public reactions against what happened in Palestine should also occur against what happened in Northern and Eastern Syria. While many countries, especially European countries, are speaking out against what is happening in Palestine, why are they remaining silent about Rojava today? Whether it is the Kurdish people or the Palestinian people, their voices must be raised. There should be no discrimination between oppressed peoples. Wherever the oppressed people are, we should be there and be with them. The massacres must be opposed. At the meeting held at the European Council, left parties expressed this situation there as well. They also condemned this silence and criticized it.”
MA / Ergin Çağlar