Salih Muslim: We will resist the attacks until the end

  • actual
  • 15:50 9 October 2023
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RIHA - Stating that Turkey wants to destroy the autonomous administration with air strikes targeting the infrastructure in Northern and Eastern Syria, PYD Co-chairperson Salih Muslim said: "We will resist the attacks until the end."
Turkey's attacks against the living spaces of the people of Northern and Eastern Syria, launched on October 5 with Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones) and warplanes, continue on the 5th day. In approximately 200 attacks, dozens of oil, electricity and water facilities, as well as schools, hospitals and public service areas were targeted, and dozens of civilians and security forces lost their lives.
Democratic Union Party (PYD) Co-chairperson Salih Muslim made evaluations to Mezopotamya Agency (MA) about the purpose and timing of the attacks, the International Coalition Against ISIS and Russia's attitude.
Stating that behind the scenes of the attacks is Turkey's century-old denial policy towards the Kurds, Muslim said the following about the purpose of the attacks: “Rojava is the project of the century today. Kurds also have a place in this project. For 8 years, Turkey has never stopped its attacks on Kurds. One of the attack targets is Rojava. Conspiracies against Rojava were not stopped. Attacks were made using many different methods. Recently, they made attempts under the name of a tribe in Deir ez-Zor, but they did not succeed. When all their conspiracy attempts failed, they drew up a new plan. In this context, they targeted civilian service areas that were considered war crimes. Minister of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan declared this crime through the press. These attacks have been continuing for 5 days, we have dozens of martyrs, including civilians. The attacks are continuing with warplanes. The aim is to destroy the Autonomous Administration. There is always hostility towards the gains of the Kurds. Attacks are carried out not only in Rojava but also in four parts of Kurdistan. What is happening in Rojava today is part of a broader plan."
Drew attention that the timing of the attacks was significant, Muslim said: “The attacks were launched using the Ankara protest as an excuse; however, Rojava has nothing to do with the attack, neither near nor far. Türkiye has been creating justifications for its attacks since the past. The person who carried out the action came out and said 'I did it'. It is significant that the attacks were carried out in October. October 9 is the anniversary of the Treaty of Sinjar, ISIS attacked Kobanê in October. Anniversary of the Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî occupations. The international conspiracy was put into action on October 9. The message to be given is; We continue the conspiracy. "Turkey has been keeping the history of attacks and their connection with the historical past since the past."
Evaluating the attitude of the International Coalition Against ISIS and Russia towards the attacks, Muslim said: “They are not on any side, they are in a position to watch. Turkey is always seeking to do something by blackmailing both the USA and Russia.  Now they are in a position to monitor these blackmails. They don't care how many Kurds died. Those who died are our children. They turn a deaf ear to blackmail. Statements like 'We condemn, we are sorry' are being made, but it is not enough, civilians continue to die."
Stating that if you corner a cat and go at it, it will scratch you. "No one can expect us to tolerate the attacks until the end, Muslim said: "We have no choice but to resist. We are trying to make sure things don't get worse. We do not want the war to continue and deaths to occur. We are meeting with international powers. Türkiye is attacking because it is stuck in domestic and foreign politics. The Türkiye issue is nearing its end, it will erupt somewhere. We are waiting for it too. The October 9 conspiracy continues because it did not achieve its goal. The attacks taking place today are also related to this. That's why Kurds and their friends should express their reactions to both the conspiracy and the attacks in every field. The people in Northern and Eastern Syria are resisting all attacks, and it is important to embrace this resistance. We will resist the attacks until the end.”
MA / Emrullah Acar