Statement regarding Fidan's claim that 'Attackers came from Syria'

  • actual
  • 15:09 5 October 2023
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NEWS CENTER - HPG denied the statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan that the activists who carried out the attack in Ankara came from Syria.
In his statement yesterday regarding the protest against the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Ankara on October 1, Minister of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan claimed that the activists came from Syria.
Democratic Syrian Forces (QSD) General Commander Mazlum Ebdi said: "Those who carried out the attack in Ankara did not leave our region, Turkey is looking for an excuse for the attack."
A statement regarding Fidan's claim also came from HPG. In the statement of HPG Press Contact Center published in Fırat News Agency (ANF), the claim was denied. In the statement, it was emphasized that the fact that the activists were trained in Northern and Eastern Syria and that they came from there does not reflect the truth.