'Isolation will be lifted together'

  • actual
  • 10:27 3 October 2023
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ISTANBUL - Stating that the Imrali isolation was used as a means of heavy attack surrounding social dynamics, Partizan and SMF representatives said: "Such an attack could be prevented together."
The absolute isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has not been heard from for 31 months, continues in İmralı Type F High Security Closed Prison. All applications made by the family lawyers of PKK Leader Öcalan, who was last heard from on March 25, 2021, to the relevant institutions have been rejected so far.
Partisan Representative Toğay Okay and Socialist Assemblies Federation (SMF) Central Executive Board (MYK) member Mahir Gürz, who attended the press conference held in Istanbul on the anniversary of the international conspiracy on October 9, 1998, drew attention to the isolation and called for sensitivity from all social segments.
Partisan Representative Toğay Okay described the isolation policy of PKK Leader Öcalan as a continuation of the war against the struggle of all workers and laborers, especially the Kurdish people. Drawing attention that the isolation that started in Imrali is deepening day by day, Okay said: “Whenever the state cuts off communication with Imrali, it resorts to comprehensive detention and arrest policies against all democratic forces, especially the Kurdish people. The usurpation of rights and isolation practices that started in İmralı have become a systematic policy of the state. On the one hand, the state deepens the isolation in Imrali and other prisons, and on the other hand, it tries to suppress the resistance in the field of labor and ecology, isolating it from other resistance dynamics of the society."
Emphasizing that the AKP-MHP government wants to deepen the state of hopelessness that emerged among the people after the elections with isolation policies, Okay said: "Social opposition is being tried to be covered up. There is a serious impoverishment and unemployment in society with the Imrali isolation. The AKP-MHP government imposed intense exploitation and unemployment on the working class. The state is trying to prevent one resistance dynamic with another resistance dynamic. Our duty is to strengthen the united struggle as revolutionaries, democrats and patriots against isolation policies. I think if we can wage a common struggle against those who put us through all this, if we can stand side by side, we can reverse the isolation."