Public meeting before the big congress of Green Left Party

  • actual
  • 14:44 1 October 2023
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AMED - Green Left Party held a well-attended public meeting in Amed before its congress on October 15.
Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) held a well-attended public meeting in Amed before its congress to be held in Ankara on October 15. Many people attended the meeting held in a hotel in the city. Speaking after the moment of silence in memory of those who lost their lives in the struggle for democracy, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Provincial Co-chair Zeyyat Ceylan stated that they wanted to listen to suggestions and criticisms before the congress.
Stating that the Kurdish issue should be found in a democratic solution, the Imrali isolation should be lifted and the prison doors should be opened, Ceylan said: "We had hundreds of meetings and face-to-face meetings in the 4 months after the elections. We organized conferences. We interpreted the process and saw the deficiencies. We received criticism by listening to political parties and civil organizations. We met with tens of thousands of people."
Ceylan said: "If we do not condemn the isolation imposed on Mr. Abdullah Öcalan, if we do not break the chain of isolation, if Mr. Öcalan's voice does not reach the society, if the İmralı gate is not opened, freedom will not come. If this does not happen, we cannot prevent this dirty war. We can pave the way for an honorable peace by lifting the isolation imposed on Mr. Öcalan. We can pave the way for democracy. We can pave the way for negotiation and solution."
After Ceylan's speech, the meeting continued closed to the press.