Ban decision from Şırnak Governorship for 14 regions

  • actual
  • 16:30 27 September 2023
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ŞIRNEX -  Şırnak Governorship announced that 14 regions were declared "Temporary Special Security Zones" for 15 days.
Şırnak Governorship announced that 14 regions located within the borders of Şırnak center, Cizîr (Cizre), Silopiya (Silopi), Qileban (Uludere), Basa (Güçlükonak), Elkê (Beytüşşebap) districts were declared "Temporary Special Security Zones" for 15 days.
Governorship, Cudi Mountain Region, Bestler Dereler, Kurt Mountain, Kureşin, Karaçalı T., Kel Mehmet D., Serin V., 2088 Rk T., Küçük Su Y., Gabar Mountain, Altın Mountain, İncebel Mountain, Oymakaya and Tanin Tanin region were declared a "Temporary Special Security Zone" between September (included) 28, 2023 and October (included) 12, 2023.