Bülbün's relatives: Reveal the murderers

  • actual
  • 10:29 24 September 2023
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COLEMÊRG - Relatives of the murdered KNK Hewlêr Representative Deniz Bülbün condemned the silence of the KDP and called for "Deniz fought for the Kurdish people. The murder should not be kept silent. The murderers should be exposed."
Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) Hewlêr Representative Deniz Cevdet Bülbün lost his life in an attack in Hewlêr on September 18. Bülbün's body was laid to rest in her hometown, Dêlezê village of Gever (Yüksekova) district of Colemêrg, with the participation of thousands of people the other day. Although 5 days have passed, the perpetrator or perpetrators of Bülbün have not been caught, and condemning KDP's silence regarding the incident continues. Bülbün's relatives living in Dêlezê village demanded that those responsible be revealed.
Mehmet Reşit Özkesici, one of Bülbün's relatives, drew attention that although days have passed since the incident, the perpetrators have not been found. Özkesici said: "The perpetrators of teacher Deniz must be found immediately. Deniz was a teacher and a person who fought for the unity of the Kurdish people. We never saw his evil and we do not believe that he would harm anyone. Deniz's murderers are still in Basur and the Barzani government. The perpetrators need to be revealed. These incidents need to be prevented before other murder occur."
Stating that the KDP government was one of those responsible for the incident, Gülsüm Kılıçoğlu said: "The Barzani family and the government displayed a 'treacherous' attitude towards Kurdish children. We are honored by our martyr and our heads are held high. We are not in a pitiful state. We are proud of this struggle. Enough is enough, we do not accept this attitude of the Barzani government. I condemn the attack. Everyone needs to raise their voice against this silence of Barzani. The Barzani family should reveal the murderers of Deniz and bring them to us."
Kılıçoğlu said that Bülbün's only weapon was her pen and that he only fought for the unity of the Kurdish people and the Kurdish language. Kılıçoğlu said, "Deniz fought for all the honorable Kurdish people. The Kurdish people should not remain silent against this. Deniz's murderers should be revealed. Those who murdered Deniz should not forget; one Deniz is gone, thousands of Deniz are still alive."