Yüksekdağ to the Kobanê Case delegation: This is a coup court

  • actual
  • 15:45 15 September 2023
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ANKARA - Former HDP Co-chairperson Figen Yüksekdağ, who made her defense in the Kobanê Case, stated that this was a coup court and said: “The political power always carried the coup in its chest. You were brought before us as one of the coup practices enacted from that ballot box."
18 people, including former Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chairs Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş, were detained due to the protests that took place on October 6-8, 2014 in many cities of Kurdistan and Turkey after the attack of ISIS in Kobanê. The 4th period of the 32nd hearing of the Kobanê Case, in which 108 people were tried, was held at the Ankara 22nd High Criminal Court located in the Sincan Closed Prison Campus. While the detained politicians attended the trial via the Audio and Video Information System (SEGBİS), lawyers who are members of the Lawyers Association for Freedom (ÖHD) were present at the hearing.
Yüksekdağ took the floor and said: “A coup court. There has never been a coup court in this country. The political power always carried the coup in its chest. You were presented as one of the coup practices that were taken out of that ballot box. On the one hand, a normal court makes normal decisions, on the other hand, a special court approaches us from the perspective of enemy law and coup law. The trial of Sırrı Süreyya Önder demonstrates this.
This government defended ISIS by saying, "These are provoked children." Ahmet Güneş was released even though the murder he committed was proven. He planned the massacre demands after he was evacuated. Unfortunately, in this country, the concepts of justice and judiciary are separated from each other. A person who received a heavy sentence in the Sivas massacre case is released with a presidential pardon. If a court does not consider its duty as the duty of justice, it will not take such decisions as its subject. But we will continue to say this. Members of ISIS and HUDA-PAR, who were proven to have openly committed murders, were released. The Madımak massacre was removed from the statute of limitations. These are unforgettable trials, just like the Kobanê case. Will the Kurds, the citizens of this socialist, women's libertarian country forget this trial? This is how social memory is created. Now we will expect brightness from the future of this country, right? Those who use us as a stepping stone to their own fortune will not be successful. It is impossible for such a great evil not to be in vain. A number of dirt has accumulated in this dark network formed around the Kobanê Conspiracy Case, and this dirt will continue to come out much larger in the coming days. After all, you will soon achieve your goal, but do not be sure. The sooner you end the harm suffered by our friends who have been detained until now, the better. For this reason, I demand the release of my detained friends.”