'Nature plunder turned into theft in Kurdistan'

  • actual
  • 11:26 15 September 2023
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ŞIRNEX - Stating that the plunder of nature in Kurdistan has turned into theft, HDP Cizîr District Co-Chair Mesut Nart said: “The natural destruction in Kurdistan is not just a party problem. We must fight together."
The plunder of nature, carried out by the hands of rangers under the supervision of soldiers, has been continuing in Şirnex's Cûdî, Gabar and Cilênimêja mountains and the Besta Region for 3 years. While hundreds of thousands of trees have been cut down so far, objections to official institutions have remained inconclusive. To date, 200 families have applied to the Şirnex(Şırnak) Bar Association and filed a lawsuit against those responsible to stop the massacre.
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Cizîr (Cizre) District Co-Chair Mesut Nart stated that the reactions against the nature plunder were insufficient and said: "It is clear that the nature destruction taking place in Kurdistan cannot be stopped by a statement made by a few people coming together once a month."
Drawing attention that no area was left unexcavated on Cûdî Mountain under the name of mineral exploration, Nart said: "Tree felling in the Besta Region was a source of income for the supporters of the government. They join hands with their supporters and plunder everywhere. The situation has turned into theft. The government became reckless after the election. If what happened is viewed with daily interests and interests, a dangerous process will begin for our children after 30 years. We should feel responsible for this. Again, the balance of nature is being turned upside down in this geography with the dams built, forest fires and deforestation. It affects all living things."
Stating that as long as the conflicts continue in the region, the destruction of nature will continue, Nart said: "First of all, this war must end. This problem cannot be solved with a statement or an action. It is clear that there is no conscious and planned program in the region against the massacre. The sensitivity shown and the steps taken against the destruction of nature in Akbelen are not taken for Cûdî. When it comes to Kurdistan nature, their eyes are closed, their ears are deaf and their mouths are closed. This is related to the approach to the Kurdish issue. The approach to nature is the same.”