Books prisoner wrote not given to him

  • actual
  • 11:03 13 September 2023
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SÊRT - The books titled "Dilopek Ji Ava Jînê" and "Cangoriyên Misharê" written by the detained writer Rizgar Turhan are not given to him.
New ones are being added to the rights violations occurring in Afyon No. 1 Type T Closed Prison. Author Rizgar Turhan, who has been detained since 1995, is not given the books he wrote in prison. His family learned that Turhan's books, "Cangoriyên Mişarê" and "Dilopek Ji Ava Jînê", were not given to him by the administration, even though they sent them to be given to him. Turhan, who asked his family who went to prison for open viewing on September 8 about their books, received information that one was sent 3 years ago and the other 2 months ago. Turhan then shared the information that the books were not given to him. Turhan's family, who met with the prison administration, was not given a reason why the books were not given.
Stating that there have always been ill-treatment and rights violations against detainees in Afyon No. 1 Type T Closed Prison, Rızgar Turhan's mother, Şehirban Turhan said: "My son Turhan and his friends had previously gone on a hunger strike against the arbitrary practices of the prison. On May 25, 2022, they went on a hunger strike against the prison administration's practices such as confiscating personal belongings, delaying their release, putting them in solitary cells and counting while standing. On the 30th day of the strike, the prisoners met with the prison director and ended the strike when their demands to move from single cells to dormitories and other demands were accepted; however, the prison administration then continued its violations."
Noting that Turhan's books written in prison were not given to him, mother Turhan said: "The prison administration we met with did not inform us about the issue. I call for an end to the cruelty in prison. The books, one of which was sent 3 years ago and the other 2 months ago, are not given to my son. His books are not given to him. There is no confiscation or lawsuit regarding the book. It is not given arbitrarily."
MA / Fethi Balaman