Blockade in Xîzan is on its 26th day

BİTLİS - The villages of Xîzan district have been under siege for 26 days and the region has been heavily bombed. An HPG member who refused the calls to "surrender" died in the barn where he was wounded in the village of Huzeran.
A curfew was declared on July 2 in the villages of Hûzeran, Akûnis, Govan, Lanîlan, Xûlepûr, Kekulan, Sureh, Pertawan, Kuran and Mezra Pisyan in the Xîzan (Hizan) district of Bedlis. After the ban, an operation was launched with the participation of hundreds of soldiers and rangers. The ban was terminated on July 6, but the operation continued. While the operation was continuing, a large area including the villages of Xûlepûr and Kekulan was declared a "Special Security Zone" on July 14 this time. In the statement made by the governorship, it was stated that the ban will continue until July 28 (today).
During the operations launched after the curfew, citizens were prevented from leaving their homes. While the animals were kept starving in the barns for days, the harvesting of the crops was not allowed. The countryside of Xûlepûr and Kekulan villages, where the operation intensified, was heavily bombed from the air and land for days. Meanwhile, MOBESE cameras and photo traps were installed in the villages and their surroundings. Hundreds of trees were turned to ashes due to the bombs used in the operation area, and the nature was damaged by the construction equipment that the soldiers took with them. Hundreds of trees were cut down in forest areas and roads were built.
Intense clashes also took place during the ecological destruction and the prohibitions that the villagers suffered greatly. Especially after the "Special Security Zone" decision, conflicts intensified. The most intense clashes took place on July 26-27 in the region between the villages of Sureh and Hûzeran. The region was heavily bombed with helicopters and Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (SİHA). It was reported that one soldier was injured in the clashes.
While the shelling in the rural area continued, a barn in the village of Huzeran was besieged on July 27. Meanwhile, the village was completely surrounded, entrances and exits were not allowed, and citizens were prevented from even going to their windows. While the blockade was in progress, a family was brought to the village. It was claimed that the family was the family of the person who was HPG member and took shelter in the barn after being injured during the clashes.
It was learned that while the family and soldiers made an announcement to "surrender" for a while, the person who was stated to be HPG said loudly that he would not surrender. In the meantime, it was stated that the sound of an explosion was heard in the barn, and after the explosion, bombs were thrown from the windows and the barn was set under fire.
The lifeless body of the person who was stated to have HPG was found in the barn. The corpse was taken by the ambulance brought to the village.
The walls of many houses in the village cracked due to the explosions. Some house walls were destroyed. While the entrance and exit of the village is still not allowed, hundreds of soldiers and rangers are kept at all points of the village.
In a statement on his Twitter account, Minister of Interior Ali Yerlikaya noted that the person who lost his life was Güven Özcan, code-named "Redur Siser". Yerlikaya stated that Özcan is in the "grey category".