Detention condemnation from journalists

ISTANBUL - Journalists, who are against the detention and arrest of their colleagues, said that the situation has not changed with the opposition's statements that "we will hold them accountable" and that "effective remedies" must be found.
As part of the investigation launched by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, Mezopotamya Agency (MA) reporters Delal Akyüz and Fırat Can Arslan, T24 editor Sibel Yükler, Bianet editor Evrim Kepenek and journalist Evrim Deniz were detained yesterday. Journalists were detained in Amed(Diyarbakır) for posting the news about the change of duty of the prosecutor, who prepared the indictment of 18 journalists, and the wife of the delegation who handled the case, on their twitter accounts. Journalists were charged with "targeting a public official".
Journalist Fırat Can Arslan was arrested by the court he was brought to. Journalists Sibel Yükler, Delal Akyuz and Evrim Deniz were released on probation. Evrim Kepenek, on the other hand, is expected to be referred to the courthouse for testimony today.
Journalists Ali Duran Topuz, Fatih Polat and Candan Yıldız evaluated the detention of their colleagues and the pressure on the press.
Stating that Mezopotamya Agency (MA) and the Free Press school are the direct targets of the government, especially because of its seriousness and the high potential for continuity,Journalist Ali Duran Topuz said. "The government does not want the establishment of an institution belonging to the Kurds. The government was comfortable because the public did not speak out against these pressures. It is necessary to think about these together with the arrest of Merdan Yanardağ. I think similar things will continue because there is not enough reaction for them neither in the media, in politics, nor in the public. It didn't happen for Merdan Yanardağ either; however, anyone who desires and knows that a serious media presence is needed should strongly oppose these operations. They should campaign and participate in the release of our friends inside, and prevent the operations from growing. But unfortunately, a significant part of the opposition media is not aware of what is going on here right now. When it's their turn, it will already be too late." 
Saying that Halk TV did not properly report on the arrest of Merdan Yanardağ, Topuz continued his words as follows: “The CHP said 'let it go' but did not engage in any real activity. It doesn't want to go; however, we should also know that what needs to be done here should be done for Abdurrahman Gök, Sedat Yılmaz, Dicle Müftüoğlu as well as for Merdan Yanardağ. But since the politicians do not want to do anything, they make statements and pass it off. By making a statement, saying 'you are doing it wrong, we will hold you accountable', nothing happens. It is necessary to find political and effective solutions. The effective remedies must be found. But what we are seen as journalists is the sincerity and unrequited behavior of political parties to find their way.”
Stating that the obstacles to the profession of real journalists became routine, T24 Editor Candan Yıldız said: “Every day, a colleague of ours is either detained or prosecuted. Any news that exposes the politics of the government is a matter of discomfort. The opposition, on the other hand, is both silent and in love with the small world of power."
Expressing that the events will continue as long as professional organizations do not give a strong voice, Yıldız said that it is everyone's responsibility to protect journalists and press institutions.
Expressing that the detentions are a continuation of the long-standing oppression in Turkey, Evrensel Newspaper Editor-in-Chief Fatih Polat also reminded the raids based in Amed and Ankara. Polat said: “Now, they are detaining 5 of our colleagues for their posting with house raids. For journalists, this shows how commonplace multidimensional printing has become. Journalists have a duty to inform the public. However, journalists in Turkey cannot do this. It is the most natural and ordinary duty of journalists to share a news. It is strange that such a thing is justified for detention."
Calling for the release of his colleagues, Polat said: "The government is trying to maintain its existence with repression. Nowhere in the world can one be detained on such fabricated grounds. This is also a threat to all journalists in Turkey right now. It is tried to make the continuity of power through the judiciary out of fear. All professional organizations and those who support democracy should be on their side. We want our colleagues to be released as soon as possible. Journalists should not be left alone. Everyone should protect the public's right to receive information and journalists."
MA / Ömer İbrahimoğlu