Villages of Ezidis from Zevra are under rangers occupation


URFA - In Wêranşar, the return of Ezidis, whose villages they migrated to were occupied by the village rangers in the 1980s, are prevented.

In the rural neighborhood of Zevra, which is connected to the Wêranşar (Viranşehir) district of Riha(Urfa) and has 18 households, Ezidis who migrated to different countries in Europe after the 1980s wanted to return to their villages in the early 2000s; however, the registered lands, houses, vineyards and gardens of the Ezidis were confiscated by the village rangers of the Sheikhan tribe. The Ezidis, who sought a solution to the situation through their opinion leaders, applied to the court when they could not get any results. Ezidis were threatened and attacked by village rangers after they applied to the court. In the past year, Ezidis' electrical transformers have been swept, irrigation pipes cut, their tractors smashed, and they have been physically attacked during each grave visit. The Êzidîs were prevented from building condolence houses and houses on their titled lands by the village rangers.
Zevra Ezidis, who stated that they went to the gendarmerie, district governor's office and prosecutor's office after each attack, said that each time the attackers were released, the investigation resulted in non-prosecution. The Ezidis, who demanded that their unjustly confiscated houses be returned to them, underlined that such attacks are aimed at preventing the return of Ezidis to their homeland and confiscating their properties.
Izzeddin Deniz (61), who was born and raised in Zevra but immigrated to Germany in 1985, stated that all Ezidis in the village migrated for different reasons in the early 1990s. Stating that a person who states that he is a relative of the immigrants, he sold 50 acres of land to the Karacadağ family, who is a member of the Şeyhan tribe, Deniz said: “Beginning in 1994, two families came and settled in the village. Since our houses were empty, they increased the number of households by settling in our houses with title deeds. We started to return to their lands at the beginning of the 2000s. We came and cleaned our lands, we wanted bread, but the Karacadağ family always wanted to hinder us. They tried to prevent us from cultivating our lands even though we had title deeds, and threatened the people we wanted to employ for a fee. This has been going on for 20 years; however, the attacks have increased in the last 10 years.”
Expressing that he was subjected to verbal and stone attacks 10 days ago while he was trying to plow his own deeded land, Deniz said: "They first call and threaten my employee using the tractor, and when my employee leaves the land, they ambush and attack with stones. The windows of the tractor were shattered. The caller is clear, we complained, but no follow-up was given in 3 days. What was investigated in 3 days, why was the follow-up denied? We wanted to establish a condolence house of our own in the neighborhood, but the Karacadağ family did not give permission. Their aim is to occupy our villages. The number of Ezidis is small. They have ranger weapons in their hands. We want a solution to this. We will not leave our village, our lands. We will try to reach our voices everywhere. We will go to Parliament. We want to return to our village. If they vacate our deeded houses, we will come and settle in the village and establish a modern village here. It is my call to all political parties and the Weranshar, regardless of whether they are Ezidi or Muslim; We want a solution to this problem. I want to call on all Ezidis to return to their lands. If we don't become one, we perish one by one. I will not leave my village, I cannot. How can I leave my mother's and father's graves?"
Stating that Ezidis have lived in Zevra for about 500 years, Sabri Yıldız (70), whose title deed house was occupied, said: “Our parents grew up in these lands, we grew up in these lands. All our graves are here. Wherever someone dies, we still bring their bodies here. Approximately 4 thousand acres of land in Zevra belongs to the Ezidis with title deeds. Only 50 acres were purchased by the Karacadağ family. This is the continuation of the Shengal Massacre. They have settled in our lands, our homes, they are not leaving, they have invaded. They want to collapse 50 acres and 4 thousand acres. No one will accept this. Zevra will not help them. This is our venue. We will not leave this place."
Stating that he was threatened because he wanted to plow his lands, Yıldız said: “I was threatened by Abdulkadir Karacadağ, the head of the village ranger, because I made a complaint. The prosecutor says, 'Go to compromise with us'. Months have passed, but there is no progress on the complaint. It is my call to everyone, the lawlessness should be ended, we will not give up our lands."
MA / Emrullah Acar - Mahmut Altıntaş