Olan: End the curfew in Bedlis

ANKARA- Condemning the curfew announced in Bedlis, Green Left Party Bedlis MP Hüseyin Olan said: "The reason for the ban was unacceptable and demanded the immediate end of the ban, which led to serious violations."
Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Deputy Hüseyin Olan held a press conference in the Parliament regarding the curfews declared in Xîzan (Hizan) district of Bedlis. Condemning the curfew declared on July 2, including the villages of Hûzeran, Akûnis, Govan, Lanîlan, Xûlepûr, Kekulan, Sureh, Pertawan, Kuran, Mezra Pisyan, Olan shared that from 2015 to January 1, 2020, 381 curfews were declared in at least 11 provinces and 51 districts.
Olan stated that during the bans, there were serious violations of rights, especially the right to life, and that the people had serious problems in accessing basic necessities.
Referring to the United Nations (UN) reports, Olan said: "At least 500 thousand people were forcibly displaced from Kurdistan between 2015 and 2017 due to these practices. At least 2 thousand people lost their lives according to the report. Thousands of houses were destroyed. It has been stated that houses and neighborhoods have been erased from the map with satellite photos. In this report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, which covers a long period of time; It also documented testimonies of torture, enforced disappearance, incitement to hatred, emergency medical care, denial of food, water and vital needs, and violence against women. In any case, while the situation is clear, the government should immediately abandon this attitude.”
Underlining that there is no acceptable justification for the ban, Olan said: “Because many fundamental rights such as the right to life, prohibition of torture, personal freedom and security are violated. Indefinite and all-day curfews cause our people to suffer. We demand that the government stop this inhumane practice as soon as possible.”