83 suspicious deaths in prisons in 2022

ANKARA - In the statement of TİHV, İHD and TTB, it was stated that there were 83 suspicious deaths in prisons in 2022. It was reported that 4,275 people were subjected to torture and ill-treatment in official and unofficial places of detention in the same year.
The Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TİHV), the Human Rights Association (İHD) and the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) Human Rights Branch made a joint written statement on the 26th of June, the Day of Solidarity with the Tortured. In the statement, which said: "As a result of the political power's style of governing based on oppression and control, the whole country has almost become a place of torture today," and it was emphasized that the word "zero tolerance for torture" remained in the rhetoric.
In the statement, it was noted that in order to prevent torture, the policy of impunity that encourages the perpetrators of the crime should be ended, and the rhetoric that encourages torture should be avoided. The statement said: "Authorities at all levels should abandon rhetoric that praises and encourages torture and the torturer, and torture practices should be publicly condemned in line with the recommendations of international mechanisms."
In the statement, the data on torture were listed as follows:
“* According to the HRFT Documentation Center, 1 person died in 2022 and at least 6 people died suspiciously in the first 5 months of 2023.
* In the first five months of 2023, 270 people applied to the HRFT on the grounds that they were subjected to torture and ill-treatment.
* In 2022, the number of applicants (1201 people) to the HRFT because they or their relatives were tortured has reached the peak of the foundation's 32-year history.
* According to the findings of the İHD Documentation Unit, at least 1,347 people were subjected to torture and other ill-treatment in official places of detention in 2022.
* 50.7 percent of the applicants to the HRFT stated that they were subjected to torture and other ill-treatment in the police headquarters, 5.7 percent in the police station, and 6.4 percent in the gendarmerie units.
* 30.7 percent of the applicants to the HRFT stated that they were subjected to torture and other ill-treatment in detention and transportation vehicles.
* In 2022, 546 of the applicants to the HRFT declared that they were exposed to torture and other ill-treatment in open spaces and during demonstrations, and 177 in places such as homes and workplaces.
* As a result of the intervention of law enforcement forces in peaceful actions and activities, 144 children, at least 5 thousand 434 people in 2022, and at least 1 thousand 557 people, 49 of whom were children in the first five months of 2023, were subjected to torture and other ill-treatment. At least 50 people were injured in these interventions.
* At least 230 people in 2022 and at least 76 people in the first five months of 2023 were subjected to torture and other ill-treatment on the street and in open spaces. At the same time, at least 33 people were subjected to torture and other ill-treatment during house raids.
* According to the findings of the İHD Documentation Unit, a total of 2,928 people, 42 of whom are children, claimed that they were subjected to torture and other ill-treatment in unofficial places of detention and in places other than detention.
* There is still no news from Yusuf Bilge Tunç, who was kidnapped in Ankara on August 6, 2019.
* At least 4 people were kidnapped or tried to be kidnapped in 2022. In the first five months of 2023, 1 person was kidnapped or tried to be kidnapped.
* According to the applications made to the İHD and other available data, it was determined that 198 people were exposed to spying, kidnapping and threats in 2022.
* According to the data of the İHD Documentation Unit, the number of prisoners claiming to have been tortured and ill-treated in 2022 is 247.
* According to the data of the HRFT Documentation Center, at least 65 prisoners in 2022 and 10 in the first five months of 2023 in prisons have been diagnosed with diseases, suicide, violence, neglect, etc. and they died for the reasons. According to the İHD Documentation Unit, at least 83 prisoners died suspiciously in prisons in 2022.
* In the first 6 months of 2023, the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) reported problems in accessing healthcare from different prisons, the imposition of handcuffed examinations, and violation of privacy, etc. 54 prisoners made applications for the reasons.”
Following the joint statement, the following demands were listed:
"* The existing Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey (TİHEK) should be abolished, and a new fully independent national prevention mechanism should be established in accordance with the UN Convention Against Torture (OPCAT) and UN Paris Principles.
* The Law Enforcement Oversight Commission should be made impartial and independent.
* Documentation and reporting of torture should be done in accordance with the principles of the 'Istanbul Protocol', a UN document.
* Allegations of torture should be investigated quickly, effectively and impartially, investigated by independent committees, and international ethical and legal rules should be followed at every stage of judicial proceedings.
* Prisons should be opened to the independent inspection of human rights and legal organizations.
* All CPT reports should be disclosed and all recommendations followed.”