Prisoners protested violations by setting the ward on fire

İZMİR - It was stated that political prisoners in Kırıklar No. 1 Type F Closed Prison set the ward in the B block on fire twice to protest their rights violations.
It was stated that the political prisoners in Kırıklar No. 1 Type F Closed Prison set the ward in the B block on fire on June 15-19 to protest the rights violations they were subjected to. It was noted that the prisoners affected by the smoke were taken to the infirmary.
Lawyer Onur Can Aykut from the Izmir Branch of the Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD), who met with the prisoners, confirmed that the prisoners set fire to their wards twice in response to the continued isolation policies, the detention of political prisoners in different blocks, and the arbitrary practices of the prison administration.
Informing that the prisoners' sports and similar activities were abolished after the action and the pressure was further increased, Aykut said: "The prisoners said that the first director of the prison personalized the problem. The situation does not change as long as I am here. The prison prosecutor did not take any initiative for a solution and did not respond to the complaints sent by the prisoners.
The delegation, consisting of ÖHD İzmir Branch Co-chairs Şükran Öztürk and Velat Zeren and lawyer Halil Coşkun Nehir Bilece, is expected to meet with the prisoners regarding rights violations.