Panos Municipality Co-Mayors arrested

AĞRI - HDP's Panos Municipality Co-Mayors Müşerref Geçer and Emrah Kılıç were arrested.
Co-Mayors Müşerref Geçer and Emrah Kılıç and the Human Resources Manager of the municipality Uğur Laçin were detained in Panos (Patnos) district of Agirî(Ağrı) on June 9. After a 3-day detention period, the co-chairs were arrested by the court, who were tried for "conspiring to rig bids on tender".
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) made a press statement in front of the Patnos Courthouse regarding the arrest of Panos Municipality Co-Mayors Müşerref Geçer and Emrah Kılıç. The Green and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Agirî(Ağrı) MP Heval Bozdağ said that the arrest of the co-chairs was political.
Stating that the co-chairs were arrested on suspicion of blackening the evidence, Bozdağ said: "We talked to our lawyer friends, and in such an indictment, these are unacceptable, there cannot be both detention and arrest. This is a political operation. This is a political, unlawful decision. We received the news of the arrests of many of our friends in many provinces, and we had friends who were sentenced. This is a reflection of the government's perspective on the new process. A new political genocide is being committed and we do not accept it. The government makes this decision to appoint a trustee to our municipality, we do not accept it. We do not accept the usurpation of the will of our people. Our people should know that this is how the government usurps gains that it could not achieve in normal processes. We do not accept this, we will follow the process."