Özgökçe: Parliament has the male dominance

VAN - Feminist activist Zozan Özgökçe pointed to the parliamentary painting dominated by men and said: "Parliament has the male dominance. There is a numerical density in the power structure in the Parliament, but the struggle is on the street, we have the quality."
AKP, targeting women's gains, closing women's institutions with trustees appointed to municipalities, withdrawing from the Istanbul Convention, recently brought the Free Cause Party and Re-Welfare Party, which target women, to the Parliament. Only 120 women MPs took part in the Parliament, as the opposition, along with the government, which continues its anti-women policies, did not include female candidates in the election lists. Feminist activist Zozan Özgökçe emphasized the importance of an organized struggle against this, evaluating the parliament's shift to the right and the majority of power after the AKP-MHP government won the parliamentary majority.
Expressing that they entered the election with the hope of change, Özgökçe said: “The men who entered the parliament are in a more frightening situation than before. There was a masculine and male-dominated point of view in the Parliament before, and they demonstrated this in practice. The Istanbul Convention, such as the non-implementation of 6284. But there are discourses that touch the lives of us women in a much deeper way. A mentality even closer to the medieval mentality has settled in the Parliament. We as women are not represented in parliamentary seats and the majority unfortunately belong to this mentality. It is also important how the opposition will respond to this."
Drawing attention that a seat in the parliament belongs to a person with three wives,  
Özgökçe said: “We are talking about a mentality that is completely against 6284 and opposes the right of women to alimony. We are talking about a segment that thinks that violence against women is legitimate, thinks that women will not be subjected to violence as long as they do what the man says in the family, thinks that women cannot make their own decisions, and lives like this. There is a serious majority that interferes with women's lives, insults us, humiliates us, and does not receive any reaction despite saying this openly. This is terrifying because this mentality limits our areas of struggle. As women, we are now experiencing double the pressure. There are feminist organizations and women's organizations that give hope to women. The parliament has the male dominance. There is a numerical density in the power structure in the Parliament and throughout the country, but the struggle is in the street, we have the quality."