AKP municipality wrote about how Armenian cemetery destroyed

VAN - On the website of the Municipality of Artemêt, it was written that the cemeteries belonging to Armenians were destroyed by building TOKİ houses and roads.
It turned out that part of the Armenian cemetery in Wan's Artemêt (Edremit) district was destroyed because TOKİ was built on top of it and a road was built on the other part. The official website of the Municipality of Artemêt, whose mandate was given to the AKP candidate on the grounds that the HDP Co-Mayor, who was elected in the 2019 local elections, was a member of the Decree-Law, contained an article on how the Armenian cemetery was destroyed. The municipality's article in the "Population of the District" section included the following statements: "There is a small chapel in the south of the rock block called Kızkalesi. The large Armenian Cemetery, 400 meters east of the chapel, was destroyed by TOKİ residences built in 2005, and the rest was destroyed during the new road works opened in 2012.”
Again in 2017, toilets and changing rooms were built on the historical Xorkum Mound and Armenian Cemetery in the Xorkum (Dilkaya) District by the trustee of the period. The public beach in this historical area was opened on July 23 with the participation of Governor Murat Zorluoğlu, who was appointed to the Metropolitan Municipality, and Atıfçiçek, who was appointed to the Municipality of Artemêt.