Banned weapons used 8 times in May

NEWS CENTER - It was announced that banned bombs and chemical weapons were used 8 times in Zap, Avaşîn and Metîna regions in May.
While attacks on Zap, Avaşîn and Metîna regions of the Federated Kurdistan Region continued, the balance sheet for May was announced. In the HPG statement in the Fırat News Agency (ANF), it was stated that the region was bombed hundreds of times by air and land. In the statement, it was stated that 54 soldiers and rangers lost their lives in the clashes. It was also reported that 13 HPG and YJA-Star members lost their lives. In the statement, it was stated that 8 times banned bombs and chemical weapons were used, 126 times with warplanes, 11 times with attack helicopters, 435 times with mortars, howitzers, tanks and heavy weapons.