Child who shot during the Erdogan celebrations died

URFA - A child named Emirhan Gelgir, who was wounded by gunfire during the celebrations after the presidential run-off elections in Riha, lost his life.
A 14-year-old boy named Emirhan Gelgir was wounded by the fire opened by AKP members who wanted to "celebrate" after the presidential run-off elections held on May 28 in the Topdağı Mahallesi of Riha's Eyyübiye district. Gelgir, who was injured in the head, had been receiving treatment at Mehmet Akif Inan Training and Research Hospital for 4 days. Gelgir passed away today. Gelgir's body was buried in the Bedi-ü Zaman Cemetery.
In the investigation launched into the incident, it was claimed that it could not be determined by whom the bullet was fired.