TJA: Election passed with oppression

DİYARBAKIR – TJA, on the election results, said, “We are faced with the election results that have no legitimacy; We will continue to protect the will of the peoples for democracy, to resist and fight for it.”
Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA) made a written statement regarding the results of the 28th Term of Parliament and Presidential elections. Pointing out that they are entering a process where the male-dominated mentality wants to be institutionalized, the statement emphasized that women's struggle against the male-dominated mentality will continue.
Mentioning that the 21st century is the century of women, the statement said: "Changes are taking place in the Middle East, it is being restructured. This critical process is both an opportunity and a risk for us women. Participating in this change and restructuring process in an organized and more effective manner is for the freedom of women and Kurds. We have taken an approach believing that it imposes historical responsibility on us. We know that this century does not offer women, Kurds and other peoples any promise other than war, poverty and genocide. The AKP-MHP fascist regime was used as a shadow tool by the state, taking with it the Free Cause Party, in Kurdistan It will conduct politics on the basis of anti-Kurdish and anti-women.”
Stating that the politics of the government will create a new field of struggle for women, the statement said: "While the elections are an area for the people to raise the struggle on democratic fairgrounds, it is a difficult instrument for the sovereigns in terms of legitimizing their own existence in otherwise conditions. At this point, these elections, which the sovereign wanted to legitimize for his existence, were held in an environment of unfair pressure and force. As TJA, we took on duties and responsibilities in the field with a great mobilization spirit in the 2023 elections, which we adopted as a means of struggle in the struggle of women and Kurds to destroy fascism and build a democratic republic. Together with the women's movements in Turkey, we, the Kurdish women's movement, are working on electoral activities in order to put an end to the misogyny of this fascist male power, to prevent the genocide of women that it has continued uninterruptedly for years, to put an end to the genocide perpetrated by fascism on the Kurdish people, and to ensure that the peoples have the right to live in an equal, fair and democratic country. We pioneered”.
TJA noted that they were working against oppression and bullying by fighting for change and democracy, and drew attention to the fact that many of their friends were arrested during this process. TJA made the following statements in the continuation of the statement: “The women's liberation struggle, along with its principles that are a tradition of resistance and leading the resistance, have once again shown their will, who took part in the tough election efforts despite all the difficulties, and who knew how to fulfill their historical responsibility. . All our female friends and people involved in these studies should know that; Regardless of the outcome, we were able to stand against neo-fascism, which has regained power thanks to the will and determination of our people for democracy. This choice is not a legitimate choice. The government did not win this election under equal, democratic and transparent conditions. The government has declared its false victory by distorting the truth with a politics of violence, hatred and lies. For Erdoğan, this victory will only be referred to as the 'Pyrus victory'.
Emphasizing that half of the country used their will for change and that the people in Kurdistan responded to the government, the statement said: “We are faced with the null and void election results; As TJA, we will continue to protect the people's will for democracy, to resist and fight for it, and to be the subject of the rebuilding process. As women, we will continue to increase our belief that we will overcome our stubbornness, will, insistence and hope with our organized power to get our peoples out of this darkness of fascism. The democratic attitude and determination that emerged as a result of this effort and its courage is our greatest achievement. In order to embrace and crown this success, we, as TJA, have a word against history to be the leading force that resists and succeeds in the new era as well. Together, we will win with our organized strength, we will win.”