Detention of Saturday Mothers in 28th anniversary protest

ISTANBUL - The Saturday Mothers, who wanted to go out to Galatasaray Square despite the AYM's "respectable" decisions for their demonstrations, were once again detained by the police in the 28th anniversary protest.
The 28th year protest of the Saturday Mothers to ask about the fate of their relatives disappeared in custody and to demand that the perpetrators be prosecuted continued in its 948th week. Despite the "violation" decisions of the Constitutional Court (AYM), Saturday Mothers and human rights defenders who wanted to make a statement in Galatasaray Square, where the police blockade continued, faced police barriers and attacks this week as well.
The mothers and their companions, who went to Istiklal Street with carnations, were taken into custody after being blockaded in front of the police barriers in the square. 18 people were detained, including Saturday Mothers, Human Rights Association (İHD) Chairperson Eren Keskin and İHD Istanbul Branch President Gülseren Yoleri. Meanwhile, the journalists who were following the news were prevented by being removed from the area.
The detained group made a victory sign by throwing the carnations in their hands into Galatasaray Square while they were being put into the detention vehicle. Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Istanbul MP Musa Piroğlu also attended and supported the statement.
The names of those detained are as follows: "Eren Keskin, Gülseren Yoleri, Besna Tosun, İrfan Bilgin, Ümit Efe, Coşkun Üsterci, Hüseyin Aygül, İkbal Eren, Maside Ocak, Hanife Yıldız, Ali Ocak, Mikail Kırbayır, Hasan Karakoç, Hünkar Yurtsever, Cüneyt Yılmaz , Leman Yurtsever, Mehmet Mert Karatağ, Özge Bakır Efe."